Hello!! I have a working login/password form which reads the stored login/passwords from Access, but I am trying to make it so the login and password is case sensative?

Dunno if it words but try using Ascii conversion.

This is what I came up with...Thanks again

If StrComp(rec!password, txtPswrd.Text, 0) <> StrComp(txtPswrd.Text, rec!password, 0) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Login and password, please try again", vbOKOnly

Hello!! I have a working login/password form which reads the stored login/passwords from Access, but I am trying to make it so the login and password is case sensative?

How are you doing the comparison ?

If you are using '=' then it should be case senistive, if using 'like' then it is not case sensitive


UCase and LCase



UCase and LCase


No, UCase and LCase actually are the opposite of what he is trying to do.

O then just use StrConv :D


Text1.Text = StrConv(Text1.Text, vbProperCase)

yes i am using '='


How are you doing the comparison ?

If you are using '=' then it should be case senistive, if using 'like' then it is not case sensitive

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