I was wondering how I could access my several countryAttachedXX arrays(in this post they start on line 85), without many if statements, determined by user input. I was thinking maybe an array of arrays, but had difficulty finding out how to do that on the web. Thanks,
* ISU program (text risk) *
* created by Matthew *
* in grade 12 programming. *
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class humanPlayer
humanPlayer(string thePlayersName, unsigned int thePlayersTurnNum);
void addToList(unsigned int countryToAdd) {countriesOwned.push_back(countryToAdd);}
void showList();
int getSpecificListEntry(unsigned int memberSpot);
int listSize() {return countriesOwned.size();}
void removeFromList(unsigned int countryToRemove) {countriesOwned.remove(countryToRemove);}
bool checkIfInList(unsigned int countryToCheck);
string getPlayerName() {return playerName;}
string getPlayerInitial() {return playerInitial;}
int getPlayerTurnNum() {return playerTurnNum;}
void setPlayerTurnNum(unsigned int newPlayerTurnNum);
list<int> countriesOwned;
string playerName;
string playerInitial;
unsigned int playerTurnNum;
humanPlayer::humanPlayer(string thePlayersName, unsigned int thePlayersTurnNum)
playerName = thePlayersName;
playerTurnNum = thePlayersTurnNum;
playerInitial = thePlayersName[0];
bool humanPlayer::checkIfInList(unsigned int countryToCheck)
if(find(countriesOwned.begin(), countriesOwned.end(), countryToCheck) != countriesOwned.end())
return true;
return false;
void humanPlayer::showList()
copy(countriesOwned.begin(),countriesOwned.end(),ostream_iterator<int>(cout,", "));
cout << endl;
void humanPlayer::setPlayerTurnNum(unsigned int newPlayerTurnNum)
playerTurnNum = newPlayerTurnNum;
int humanPlayer::getSpecificListEntry(unsigned int memberSpot)
list<int>::iterator iter;
iter = countriesOwned.begin();
(*iter) += memberSpot;
return (*iter);
int getName(), attackFunction(humanPlayer &), fortifyFunction(humanPlayer &);
void countryDivider(), renderBoard(), mainTurn(), worldAffairsFunction();
unsigned int numOfPlayers;
list<humanPlayer> jailHouse;
list<humanPlayer>::iterator iter;
vector<int> virginCountries;
string playerInitialList[20] = " ";
int countryPopulationArray[20] = {1};
int countryAttached00[2] = {1,3};
int countryAttached01[4] = {0,2,3,4};
int countryAttached02[4] = {1,4,5,13};
int countryAttached03[4] = {0,1,4,6};
int countryAttached04[6] = {1,2,3,5,6,7};
int countryAttached05[3] = {2,4,7};
int countryAttached06[4] = {3,4,7,8};
int main()
cout << "Welcome to text risk, the rules are the same as the board game,\n"
<< "minus risk cards, and an altered fortification rule set. \n"
<< "First off ";
cout << endl << "The countries are now going to be randomly divided between the "
<< numOfPlayers << " of you:" << endl;
cout << "\n"; system("PAUSE");
void mainTurn()
int initialTurnChoice = 0;
for(iter = jailHouse.begin(); iter != jailHouse.end(); ++iter)
bool turn = true;
while(turn == true)
cout << endl << "Do you, " << (*iter).getPlayerName() << ", wish to: " << endl
<< "(1) Attack someone." << endl
<< "(2) Fortify somewhere." << endl
<< "(3) Don't do anything to anyone." << endl
<< "(4) Display current world affairs." << endl;
cin >> initialTurnChoice;
case 1: attackFunction(*iter);
case 2: fortifyFunction(*iter);
case 3: turn = false;
case 4: worldAffairsFunction();
int getName()
cout << "how many players will there be? ";
cin >> numOfPlayers;
cout << endl;
if(numOfPlayers < 2)
cout << endl << "You cannot play risk with less than two players, \n"
<< "it's just not going to work. So how many people are\n"
<< "actually playing risk, total? ";
cin >> numOfPlayers;
if(numOfPlayers > 8)
cout << endl << "Have you ever tried to play risk with more than 8 players?\n"
<< "Cut a couple people and then say how many people are going to\n"
<< "play risk, total: ";
cin >> numOfPlayers;
if(numOfPlayers > 1)
if(numOfPlayers < 9)
for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<numOfPlayers ; i++)
char name[256];
cout << "What is player " << (i+1) << "'s name? ";
void countryDivider()
unsigned int counter = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<20 ; i++)
random_shuffle(virginCountries.begin(), virginCountries.end());
while(counter != 20)
for(iter = jailHouse.begin(); iter != jailHouse.end(); ++iter)
playerInitialList[virginCountries.at(0)] = (*iter).getPlayerInitial();
counter += 1;
if(counter == 20)
for(iter = jailHouse.begin(); iter != jailHouse.end(); ++iter)
cout << (*iter).getPlayerName() << ": ";
void renderBoard()
cout << endl
<< " __ ____" << endl
<< " N.A. | \\ / ." << endl
<< " \\__| \\ 2 | ____" << endl
<< " ____________ |" << playerInitialList[2] << " / __ Eu / | |" << endl
<< " / | 1 | \\ \\| /13\\ ___/ | |" << endl
<< "/ 0 |__" << playerInitialList[1] << "__|_/ |\\ ." << playerInitialList[13] << "_// 14 / |" << endl
<< "| " << playerInitialList[0] << " | 3 | 4|__|5\\ / " << playerInitialList[14] << " / |" << endl
<< " \\/ \\|__" << playerInitialList[3] << "_|_" << playerInitialList[4] << "__|_" << playerInitialList[5] << "_\\ __ |_/|_/| 19 /" << endl
<< " / | 6 | 7 / /15\\ __/ | " << playerInitialList[19] << " /" << endl
<< " |__" << playerInitialList[6] << "__|_" << playerInitialList[7] << "_/ ." << playerInitialList[15] << "_/ | 16 | /" << endl
<< " \\ 8 | / _" << playerInitialList[16] << " | |" << endl
<< " \\ " << playerInitialList[8] << " \\ /\\ / \\/\\ |" << endl
<< " \\ \\ /17|18/ ||" << endl
<< " _\\_ |" << playerInitialList[17] << "_/ ." << playerInitialList[18] << " \\|" << endl
<< " S.A._/ 9 \\__" << endl
<< " /___" << playerInitialList[9] << "____|" << endl
<< " | | /" << endl
<< " \\ 10|11/" << endl
<< " |" << playerInitialList[10] << " |" << playerInitialList[11] << "/" << endl
<< " |__|/" << endl
<< " |12/" << endl
<< " |" << playerInitialList[12] << "/" << endl
<< " |/" << endl;
int attackFunction(humanPlayer & obj)
unsigned int countryToAttackFrom;
unsigned int countryToAttack;
cout << endl << obj.getPlayerName() << ", which country do you wish to attack from? ";
cin >> countryToAttackFrom;
if(obj.checkIfInList(countryToAttackFrom) == false)
cout << "You must attack from your own country.\n";
return 0;
if(countryPopulationArray[countryToAttackFrom] < 2)
cout << "You are unable to attack from that country, the army is too small.\n";
return 0;
cout << "Now, which country do you wish to attack? The only eligable countries to\n"
<< "attack are: ";
int fortifyFunction(humanPlayer & obj)
void worldAffairsFunction()
cout << endl << "This is the current state of the game, player by player: \n";
for(iter = jailHouse.begin(); iter != jailHouse.end(); ++iter)
cout << (*iter).getPlayerName() << " has " << (*iter).listSize() << " countries in their possesion."
<< "\nAnd those countries are as follows: ";