I made an identical thread for PHP/MySQL, so I figured I would do it again, not only because I need to know, but so it can be stickied and others can use it.

Please recommend:


By the way, I'm speaking of C++, not C or any other types of C.


you should also take a look to Deitel books about c++, since they have great reputation...

commented: Excellent resource! +11

>you should also take a look to Deitel books about c++, since they have great reputation...
For being stupidly expensive and following unconventional practices.

but you are missing the point... they may be expensive and unconventional, but they are good...

>they may be expensive and unconventional, but they are good...
I haven't seen a C++ programmer whom I respect recommend Deitel. Ever. The unconventional part goes a long way to making them "not good" because it suggests sloppiness and a lack of concern for standards. The prohibitive price is the only thing that keeps me from writing a thorough review.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I would go for Sams teach yourself c++ in 21 hours.

The less hours the better.

commented: 21 hours are good. It leaves 3 hours for gaming. ;) +5

Here is something for those people who think that 'Teach yourself xxx in yy days' can do them any good..

commented: I agree, even the the teach yourself in so many hours books are much better! +11

I haven't seen a C++ programmer whom I respect recommend Deitel. Ever.

ouch... that hurt really bad...

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Here is something for those people who think that 'Teach yourself xxx in yy days' can do them any good..

I agree the days books are no good. Better yet are the teach yourself in so many hours, they are even better especially if you're cramming for an exam. He he.

lol I have "Teach yourself C++ in 10 minutes"

..it takes 10 minutes to read a page sometimes..
It's a good book though! kinda pisses me off the way he puts a semicolon after if/for braces.. there are so many syntax errors that I'm beginning to get the feeling he wrote the thing in 10 minutes..

commented: Let the compiler take care of the syntax errors. Ha,ha,ha! +5
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Is it a sams book?

Is it a sams book?


It is actually a good book.. he really condenses everythig down so you can take it in fast..
But as I said, the syntax errors are just plain stupid.. any compiler would have told him he is making mistakes so the only posible conclusion is that he didn;t use one..

>any compiler would have told him he is making mistakes so the only
>posible conclusion is that he didn;t use one..
And everyone knows that all he had to do was cut the code out of his compiler and paste it into the pages of the printed book. :icon_rolleyes:

Well Narue is really right. Not only her explainations are perfect but also her links proved worthy to me. You must surely check the links given by her as they use latest trend of C++ and are precise and accurate.

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