Hi! I've searching for python IDE's and I've not found anything like NetBeans for java. I downloaded Dr Python but was too simple, I tried to install PyDev on Eclipse but I got some errors. I saw some screenshots about SPE and I said whoa! that seems good, but I couldn't install it because of the SVN stuff(SPE doesn't have a msi or something similar).

So I'm looking for a IDE well-decorated (Eclipse), which can draw GUI's (NetBeans) and easy to install (a setup.exe, msi...). I work on a windows XP.

Please Help!!!, I prefer python than java, but sometimes I have to work in java because of the commodity of the IDE.

Thank you very much!!!

The frame builder wxGlade comes with Stani's Python Editor (SPE). You can still get a free download of SPE 0.8.3c, the Python IDE for Movable Python at:
Downloads as spe-0.8.3c.zip, and should work with Python 2.3 - 2.5. Simply extract the '_spe' directory into your Python 'lib' folder. You can then run 'spe.pyw' from there. Again, you need the wxPython GUI toolkit installed first for SPE to work!

Hi! I'm trying Boa and I get the "'module' object has not attribute 'NotebookSizer'" error, when I run Boa.pyw, it appears me that message and the initializer stops. Do you know how I could solve it?

Which version of wxPython do you have installed?
I am having the same problem on my newest computer.

Yes. wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-, and python 2.5

By the way, I've installed SPE (thanks for the link and the explanation), but I'm wondering if it has the "Ctrl + Space" funtion of Eclipse and Netbeans, which if you do for example:


it appears to you a list of the methods of that object and a brief description of them. I've tried in spe something like

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

root. #waiting here for a list of methods...but nothing appears

Have I to turn on something on SPE to get the marvelous Ctrl + Space funcion?


You can type in the SPE Python shell

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()


Actually an IDE called PyScripter has this feature. The moment you type the dot a dropdown list of possible choices appears.

15 minutes into testing the new Boa Constructor (boa-constructor-0.6.1.bin.setup.exe), very impressed with it.

It does have ctrl/space for code completion choices!

Thanks Henri,

I just downloaded the latest version too! Looks like a nice improvement! I think I am going to write a short example how to use Boa in the "Starting Python" sticky.

I've downloaded it too. It sounds nice.

Hi! Could someone make a little tutorial for dummies about how to create a GUI with wxGlade in SPE?, because I've been tying to do it like for example Netbeans, but I can't put the widgets where I want, I don't see my application as I'm drawing it...kind of a mess.

Thank you!

To get Eclipse and Pydev work on XP you need to install Mylyn too. Eclipse rules :)

Hi! Could someone make a little tutorial for dummies about how to create a GUI with wxGlade in SPE?, because I've been tying to do it like for example Netbeans, but I can't put the widgets where I want, I don't see my application as I'm drawing it...kind of a mess.

Thank you!

You actually check here.

@Vegaseat, thanks for the quick thread...


Well, that link is to the Boa Constructor quick and dirty tutorial. I have played with wxGlade and found it to be a rather strange bird. Maybe I will revisit it.

where can i dowload Netbeans for windows7,coz i donloaded many times but it has an Error,i can't run it...

plssss help me!

netbeans 6.9 i need this version im an I.T student,hope you can help me

There happens to be a python plugin for Netbeans in beta... should be stable enough

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