Ok if annyone knows how to put
usernames and passwords in
arrays and declare it and i
need a full directions on
the code!

Thanks Seeleo6


The below coding help u to store the username and password in arrays and to retreive it.

Dim user(20) As String 'Username Array Declaration

Dim pwd(20) As String 'Password Array Declaration

Dim i As Integer
Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
user(i) = txtuser.Text
pwd(i) = txtpwd.Text
i = i + 1
txtuser.Text = ""
txtpwd.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Cmdsearch_Click()
a = txtuser.Text
For i = 0 To 20
If user(i) = a Then
txtpwd.Text = pwd(i)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
i = 0
End Sub

al the best

I'm sorry but i need more spasific information such as where to put the code and where to tell the program where to use the information in the array and also step by step information to create t login form.

Thanks, Seeleo6


Ok if anyone knows how to put
usernames and passwords in
arrays and declare it and i
need a full directions on
the code!

Thanks Seeleo6

You don't mention if the usernames and passwords is to be saved or to be retrieved from the database or wherever you store/save your data. be specific to your post.

P.S can you say please? it looks like to me you're giving a command...



i am giveing a comand

wow, nice job my friend shailu..^_^ very nice...

i have a library application done in visual basic and i want the database containing all the regestered student to be hidden, so that no staff has access to that database.

i am giveing a comand

So you think people here are your muchacha's and muchacho's? Oh man, WHAT A MANNER! I think you must imply PLEASE because you're asking for help here!

i have a library application done in visual basic and i want the database containing all the regestered student to be hidden, so that no staff has access to that database.

hiding your database is maybe good but its more fine if you put a password in your database so that even they can see your database still they can't see the data inside on it, right?!

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