I all ready completed and ran a program that works fine in Python but now I'm looking to convert that code to C++ in Eclipse. I thought I would be able to import this code than have some miracle conversion take place. Is this possible or does the whole code need to be transfered in C++ language? keep in mind I'm just a rookie at all this. Here is my code:
from datetime import date
import exceptions
import string
now = date.today
class Negative( exceptions.Exception ):
'''A user-defined exception class.'''
def __init__( self, val ):
self.val = val
def __str__( self ):
print "Bad amount. You typed '%s' Number has to be positive." %\
class Overdrawn( exceptions.Exception ):
def __init__( self, val ):
self.val = val
def __str__( self ):
print "You are attempting to create a balance overdrawn by %s" % self.val
class Account:
def __init__( self, initial ):
'''Initializes the account data.'''
self.balance = initial
print ' (Initializing; balance is %s) ' % self.balance
def deposit( self, amt ):
'''Deposit amt into account'''
if amt < 0:
raise Negative( amt )
self.balance = self.balance + amt
print " (Depositing %s; new balance is %s) " % ( amt, self.balance )
# When this deposit is created, it
# adds to the balance
def withdraw( self, amt ):
'''Withraw amt from account'''
if amt < 0:
raise Negative( amt )
if amt >= self.balance:
raise Overdrawn( self.balance - amt )
self.balance = self.balance - amt
print " (Withdrawing %s; new balance is %s) " % ( amt, self.balance )
# When this deposit is created, it
# subtracts from the balance
def getbalance( self ):
'''Return the current balance of this account.'''
return self.balance
def printmenu():
print "please select a number"
print "1 Deposit"
print "2 Withdraw"
print '3 Balance'
print '4 Done'