Hi, if you don't know me my name is Dark, i need help with my assignment on Java. Could anyone help me. Here is what my project is about.



The link only contains a picture! More information would be useful!

Sorry, my bad. Don't worry about that pic, i have to do make a simple java game and i was thinking of dping Noughts and crosses, if you have a code for me to play that game could anyone give it to me because i really want to get up the class because i droped 4 places after the last 4 assessments

I took this code from a thread I dont remember ... so its not on my credit.... anywayz it'll be helpful to you ...

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class NoughtsAndCrosses extends JPanel implements ActionListener
    private boolean gameOver; // to keep track of the game status
    private String player; // to keep track of the current player
    private Panel board = new Panel(); // to hold the nine cells
    private Button [][]cell= new Button [3][3]; // the cells
    // these next two labels provide a border around the cells
    private Label blankL = new Label("   ");
    private Label blankR = new Label("   ");
    // the next two labels are centre alligned
    private Label error = new Label ("",1);
    private Label info = new Label ("player X to start", 1);

    // the constructor
    public NoughtsAndCrosses()
      gameOver = false;
      player = "X"; // player X to start the game
      board.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3)); // discussed later
      // creates and adds nine buttons to the board
      for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<3;j++)
          cell[i][j] = new Button();
       // positions the items on the screen
       setLayout(new BorderLayout());
       add ("West", blankL);
       add("East", blankR);
       add("North", info);

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       if (!gameOver)// process mouse click only if game is not over
        for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
          for (int j=0; j<3;j++)
            if (e.getSource()== cell[i][j])
              processEvent(i,j); // call worker method to process event

    // worker method to process a given button press
    private void processEvent(int i, int j)
      // check no attempt made to move into an occupied cell
      if (cell[i][j].getLabel().equals("X") ||
          error.setText("This cell already taken!!");
        // clear any error messages
        // change button label to current player
        // check whether this move results in game over
        if (hasWon(i, j))// process game over
          info.setText("  player " + player + " has won!");
          gameOver = true;
        else // process game not over
          // change player
          if (player.equals("X"))
              player = "O";
              player = "X";
          info.setText("player "+player+" to go next");

    // worker method to check if game over
    private boolean hasWon(int i, int j) 
        boolean won;
        // check current row
        won = true;
        for(int col = 0; col<3; col++)
            if (!cell[i][col].getLabel().equals(player))
              won = false;
        if (!won)
        // check current column
            won = true;
            for(int row = 0; row<3; row++)
              if (!cell[row][j].getLabel().equals(player))
                won = false;
        if (!won)
            // check left diagonal
            won = true;
            for(int num = 0; num<3; num++)
              if (!cell[num][num].getLabel().equals(player))
                won = false;
        if (!won)
            // check right diagonal
            won = true;
            for(int num = 0; num<3; num++)
              if (!cell[2-num][num].getLabel().equals(player))
                won = false;
        return won;
    public static void main (String [] args)
		//run the program creating a new JFrame
    	JFrame frame = new JFrame("Noughts and Crosses v1.0");
		NoughtsAndCrosses game = new NoughtsAndCrosses();

Hey, If you want to make cool Java Games, try to read the book titled Black art of Game Programming, I forgot the author though. : ) But If you want, you can e-mail me at grifter140@yahoo.com.

thanks mav2040 and nanosani

nanosani, with that code you gave me do you have another code for it but it uses the code in a different frame

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