Hello everybody,
My objective is to split a record, write 90% of the record on one row and write the remaining 10% on the next row(right underneath the other half). The spreadsheet was formated exactly the way I want it.
Now I am using similar code and technique to format another spreadsheet, but it is not working. Maybe there is something I'm doing incorrectly on the code.
I have attached two spreadsheets: The first spreadsheet is correctly formated and the second is not formating correctly( Unformated) I want to format the second spreadsheet to look like the first.
See my module below:
ii = 5
w = 0
For Each R In xlWksht.Range("A13:M13"): w = w + R.ColumnWidth: Next
rht = xlWksht.Range("A6").RowHeight
Do Until M.qBW.EOF = True
ii = ii + 2
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 1).Value = M.qBW![Req No]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 2).Value = M.qBW![Description]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 3).Value = M.qBW![ClientName] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![Status]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 4).Value = M.qBW![P L] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![TotalProg1Hrs]
SrchCriteria = "[Name]= " & "'" & M.qBW![Personnel2] & "'"
rsinPers.FindFirst SrchCriteria
If rsinPers.NoMatch = False Then
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 5).Value = rsinPers![Initials] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![TotalProg2Hrs]
End If
SrchCriteria = "[Name]= '" & M.qBW![Personnel3] & "'"
rsinPers.FindFirst SrchCriteria
If rsinPers.NoMatch = False Then
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 6).Value = rsinPers![Initials] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![TotalProg3Hrs]
End If
SrchCriteria = "[Name]= '" & M.qBW![Personnel4] & "'"
rsinPers.FindFirst SrchCriteria
If rsinPers.NoMatch = False Then
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 7).Value = rsinPers![Initials] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![TotalProg4Hrs]
End If
SrchCriteria = "[Name]= '" & M.qBW![Personnel5] & "'"
rsinPers.FindFirst SrchCriteria
If rsinPers.NoMatch = False Then
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 8).Value = rsinPers![Initials] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![TotalProg5Hrs]
End If
SrchCriteria = "[Name]= '" & M.qBW![Personnel6] & "'"
rsinPers.FindFirst SrchCriteria
If rsinPers.NoMatch = False Then
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 9).Value = rsinPers![Initials] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![TotalProg6Hrs]
End If
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 10).Value = "-" & Chr(10) & M.qBW.Fields("Per Hrs")
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 11).Value = M.qBW.Fields("EstimatedTotalHours") & Chr(10) & M.qBW.Fields("Tot Hrs")
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 12).Value = M.qBW![Start Date] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![Start Date]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 13).Value = M.qBW![End Date] & Chr(10) & M.qBW![End Date]
xlWksht.Cells(ii + 1, 1).Value = "Comments:" & Chr(10) & "'" & xlApp.Clean(Trim(M.qBW![Comments]))
With xlWksht.Range(Cells(ii + 1, 1), Cells(ii + 1, 13))
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.IndentLevel = 0
.MergeCells = True
.RowHeight = .Font.Size * (Len(xlWksht.Range("A" & ii + 1).text) - Len("Comments:")) / w + rht + (rht - .Font.Size)
End With