Hello everybody,
my program have been working and today I'm getting run time error 1004 - invalid number of arguments on this line of code:
mystr = "Comments:" & "'" & xlApp.Clean(Trim(rsin![Comments]))
Also, I am getting a "Runtime error 1004 - unable to set the RowHeight Property of the range class" on this code:
RowHeight = .Font.Size * (Len(xlWksht.Range("A" & ii + 1).text) - Len("Comments:")) / w + rht + (rht - .Font.Size) + newlinecnt * .Font.Size
Can anyone tell me what went wrong?
Below is my entire procedure:
ii = 5
w = 0
For Each R In xlWksht.Range("A8:h8"): w = w + R.ColumnWidth: Next
rht = xlWksht.Range("A6").RowHeight
Do Until rsin.EOF = True
ii = ii + 2
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 1).Value = rsin![Req No]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 2).Value = rsin![Description]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 3).Value = rsin![P L] & Chr(10) & rsin![Pgmr2] & Chr(10) & rsin![Pgmr3]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 4).Value = rsin![ClientName] & Chr(10) & rsin![Status]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 5).Value = "-" & Chr(10) & rsin![Per Hrs]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 6).Value = rsin![Hours] & Chr(10) & rsin![Tot Hrs]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 7).Value = rsin![Start Date] & Chr(10) & rsin![Start Date]
xlWksht.Cells(ii, 8).Value = rsin![End Date] & Chr(10) & rsin![End Date]
'xlWksht.Cells(ii + 1, 1).Value = "Comments:" & Chr(10) & "'" & xlApp.Clean(Trim(rsin![Comments]))
mystr = "Comments:" & "'" & xlApp.Clean(Trim(rsin![Comments]))
Pos = InStr(Pos + 1, mystr, ":")
If Not Pos = 0 Then
If Mid(mystr, Pos - 5, 1) = "/" Then
mystr = Left(mystr, Pos - 11) & Chr(10) & Mid(mystr, Pos - 10, 10) & Chr(10) & Mid(mystr, Pos + 1)
newlinecnt = newlinecnt + 2
Pos = Pos + 2
End If
End If
Loop While Not Pos = 0
xlWksht.Cells(ii + 1, 1).Value = mystr
'xlWksht.Range("A12").Value = mystr
With xlWksht.Range(xlWksht.Cells(ii + 1, 1), xlWksht.Cells(ii + 1, 8))
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin
.IndentLevel = 0
.MergeCells = True
.RowHeight = .Font.Size * (Len(xlWksht.Range("A" & ii + 1).text) - Len("Comments:")) / w + rht + (rht - .Font.Size) + newlinecnt * .Font.Size
End With