I want to assign a TCHAR char array to std::string in VC++ 2005, how should i do that? a simple assignment gives error i.e

TCHAR buffer[MAX-1];
std::string data;
//some operation for filling the buffer

data = buffer; //This gives error

Plz help me in doing this operation.

What error do you get?

UNICODE is the default setting for that compiler so if you didn't turn it off then the compiler is mapping TCHAR into wchar_t. go to Project --> Properties (bottom menu item) --> Configuration Properties --> General then change Character Set option to Not Set. If you really do want UNICODE then you have to use one of the conversion functions to convert wchar_t* to char*

What error do you get?

I tried to build this code in Visual C++ 2005 and i got this error:

error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'TCHAR [260]' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

UNICODE is the default setting for that compiler so if you didn't turn it off then the compiler is mapping TCHAR into wchar_t. go to Project --> Properties (bottom menu item) --> Configuration Properties --> General then change Character Set option to Not Set. If you really do want UNICODE then you have to use one of the conversion functions to convert wchar_t* to char*

i want to do in UNICODE only so can u suggest me those conversion functions??

>error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a
>right-hand operand of type 'TCHAR [260]'
Yep, it looks like you're trying to initialize a narrow string with an array of wide characters. Try using std::wstring instead of std::string.

>error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a
>right-hand operand of type 'TCHAR [260]'
Yep, it looks like you're trying to initialize a narrow string with an array of wide characters. Try using std::wstring instead of std::string.

Thanks Narue!!

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