
any idea how to convert numbers into words like for example i input the number 1 and it will display the word "one". i want to make this in a large number like morethan or around 1 million.

Anybody can help me! Thankyou in advance

use this code

''''''''''''''''''''''PASTE THIS INTO A MODULE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Public valnum, valsent As String
Private n, intpart, realpart, numchar, intword, realword, spltval, spltword As String
Private flag As Boolean

Public Sub WordConvert()
n = ""
intpart = ""
realpart = ""
numchar = ""
intword = ""
realword = ""
spltval = ""
spltword = ""
valsent = ""
If valnum = "." Then valnum = "0.00"
If valnum = "" Then Exit Sub

intpart = Format(Int(valnum), "000000000")
realpart = Right(valnum, 2)

spltval = realpart
Call ValFind
If spltword <> "" Then realword = spltword
spltval = Mid(intpart, 1, 2)
Call ValFind
If spltword <> "" Then intword = spltword + "Crore "
spltval = Mid(intpart, 3, 2)
Call ValFind
If spltword <> "" Then intword = intword + spltword + "Lakh "
spltval = Mid(intpart, 5, 2)
Call ValFind
If spltword <> "" Then intword = intword + spltword + "Thousand "
n = Mid(intpart, 7, 1)
If numchar <> "" Then intword = intword + numchar + "Hundred "
spltval = Mid(intpart, 8, 2)
If intword <> "" And Val(spltval) > 0 And realword = "" Then intword = intword + "AND "
Call ValFind
If spltword <> "" Then intword = intword + spltword
If intword <> "" And realword <> "" Then valsent = intword + " AND Paise " + realword + "Only"
If intword <> "" And realword = "" Then valsent = intword + "Only"
If intword = "" And realword <> "" Then valsent = "Paise: " + realword + "Only"
End Sub

Private Sub ValFind()
n = ""
spltword = ""
If Val(spltval) = 0 Then Exit Sub
n = Left(spltval, 1)
spltword = numchar
If flag = False Then n = Right(spltval, 1): Call ONES: spltword = spltword + numchar
End Sub

Private Sub ONES()
numchar = ""
If n = 0 Then numchar = ""
If n = 1 Then numchar = "One "
If n = 2 Then numchar = "Two "
If n = 3 Then numchar = "Three "
If n = 4 Then numchar = "Four "
If n = 5 Then numchar = "Five "
If n = 6 Then numchar = "Six "
If n = 7 Then numchar = "Seven "
If n = 8 Then numchar = "Eight "
If n = 9 Then numchar = "Nine "
End Sub

Private Sub TENS()
numchar = ""
If n = 1 Then n = Right(spltval, 1): Call TEENS: flag = True: Exit Sub Else flag = False
If n = 0 Then numchar = ""
If n = 2 Then numchar = "Twenty "
If n = 3 Then numchar = "Thirty "
If n = 4 Then numchar = "Fourty "
If n = 5 Then numchar = "Fifty "
If n = 6 Then numchar = "Sixty "
If n = 7 Then numchar = "Seventy "
If n = 8 Then numchar = "Eighty "
If n = 9 Then numchar = "Ninety "
End Sub

Private Sub TEENS()
numchar = ""
If n = 0 Then numchar = "Ten "
If n = 1 Then numchar = "Eleven "
If n = 2 Then numchar = "Twelve "
If n = 3 Then numchar = "Thirteen "
If n = 4 Then numchar = "Fourteen "
If n = 5 Then numchar = "Fifteen "
If n = 6 Then numchar = "Sixteen "
If n = 7 Then numchar = "Seventeen "
If n = 8 Then numchar = "Eighteen "
If n = 9 Then numchar = "Nineten "
End Sub

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FUNCTION USAGE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Dim c as double
valnum = Format(c, ".00")
Call WordConvert
msgbox valsent

will return 'One Thousand Two Hundred AND Sixty Five Only'

can u cr8 me program that words converted to numbers.(1-50) using switch. pls help me.

Hi locsin,
Such questions were answered many times. I hope you can go through previous solved threads.

Raising the dead brrrr! I thought necromancing was only in movies and games....

Soulcandra, please start your own thread and we will gladly help. Also show us what you have done as far as coding is concerned so we can help you from there.

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