I just created a project using vb. net (2003) that contains the executable and added the libraries and files I thought were necessary. When it pre-builds, it says that many dependencies are missing, interop.dzocx1lib and interop.dzstactxlib. Those files (assemblies) are listed in the project. It does install on my target machine, that does not have vb.net installed. When I go to run the app, it does not open and I get a common language runtine error. Any suggestions?
should those assemblies listed above be in the windows system directory or in the application directory. Any suggestions of any books to read about creating windows installer packages?


use a packaging software like installshield,it is better and easier to create windows installer packages there...

Advanced installer 5.2.2 by microsoft. It is the best in my opinion. it also does upgrades as well.

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