I have to write a program for an online class that accepts data to the function enterData() and passes it to printCheck to display. I am new to C++ and since it is an online class it is hard to get help. I have to compose a check and be able to use the functions to fill in the date, first and last name, and amount. I have the check set up good and it displays properly but I have no idea where to even begin with the functions. I will put what I have on here. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void enterData(int date, char firstName, char lastName, double amount);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int date;
char firstName, lastName;
double amount;
cin >> date;
cin >> firstName;
cin >> lastName;
cin >> amount;
cout << "Zzyz Corp Date: (date)"<<endl;
cout << "1164 Sunrise Avenue "<<endl;
cout << "Kalispell, Montana\n "<<endl;
cout << "Pay to the order of: (firstName lastName) $ (amount)\n "<<endl;
cout << "UnderSecurity Bank "<<endl;
cout << "Missoula, MT "<<endl;
cout << " ____________________"<<endl;
cout << " Authorized Signature";
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;