i've been playing around with python for some time now, and i decided to take vegaseat's advice to make a project of mine own.

the project consist of transforming an access database to xml, and then from xml generate some html files.
i exported one table, made some basic modifications on the xml with some small python scripts and now i've hit a wall.

basicaly i have one main table in which i have my main data and keys to other tables containing other relevant data.
after exporting my main table to xml i have in some tags only keys to other tables. and now i want to change those keys to meaningful data.
for instance: after exporting, i have a line like this: <tagZ>1</tagZ>, and i want to change it to be just an opening tag for something else; <tagQ attr1="xx" attr2="yy">.
the data which must be written in attr1 and attr2 depends upon the number (in this case number 1) inside the tag (tagZ).

An interesting project, it will force you to learn three languages (Python, HTML and XML) all at the same time. Python has quite a number of XML related modules. Your project might be more a string handling project though.

i already know html very well, and xml more or less. but putting all this together represents a challenge.
i' ve written a code to change my xml a bit... it's a mixture from several books, and who knows how many more resources :icon_redface:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


findreplace = [(u'<tag1>', u'\n<tag2>'),]

inF = open(filePath,'rb')

for i in findreplace:

outF = open(outFile,'wb')

the code only changes the specified string with another specified string.
that was ok for some changes, but not for more complex with should be taken care of with a loop of some sort. i know how the algorithm should look like, i just don't know it to write it down into a working code.

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