I need to make a program that asks the user for input 8 numbers and output the max and min value. The numbers has to be stored in an array in memory.
Basically is going to be 2 loops, 1 to prompt the user for the 8 numbers and second loop to figure out the max and min values.
1st loop will go 8 times but im having trouble with storing.
li $v0, 5 #load syscall to read_int into $v0
syscall #make the syscall
move $t1, $v0 #move the number to $t1
sw $t1, 0($s0) #store number from $t1 to array $s0[0]
The problem Im running into is storing the next number in to the next cell of the array.
number 1 goes to s[0]
number 2 goes to s[1] = 4($s)
...and so on
Please help, thanks!