Hi, I'm building an application and I want to it to play mp3 files.
I have it working, basically by installing JMF2.1.1e, and then I add its jmf.jar file to the build path of the project within eclipse.
When I then jar up the project, and place on desktop, it works fine.
But the project relies on the JMF2.1.1e being installed, I'd like to make it portable so the project can be run on any computer that has a jdk1.4(or higher) installed, without having to install the JMF.
So basically I would like to try and add the components of the JMF2.1.1e to my project, and bundle them into the projects jar file, when I turn it into a jar.
I can't quite get it to work though, if anyone can help, I'd be very greatful.
My messenger address is cms271828 (yahoo) and [EMAIL="colin.shuker@tiscali.co.uk(msn"]colin.shuker@tiscali.co.uk(msn[/EMAIL]),
if anyone would like to chat with me direct, which would probably be easier for me.
Thanks for any help