
While connecting to a host computer to access its records from another computer using python. I am getting an error

OperationalError: (1130, "Host '2k.vfx.net' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server")

There is no firewall. I have installed wampserver 5 on the host pc.

Is it possible to access the data from the host..using mysql



Looks like either a port is closed or else there's a credentials problem. But that's a guess.


what credentials problem can there be..may I know
This I need to ask for I have the same issue since the server harddisk crashed.

What backup method do u suggested


OperationalError: (1130, "Host '2k.vfx.net' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server")

Make sure you have given permission for user, who access the system, like 'allow remote access'. By default when you install MySQL will allow to access db from localhost for user root(default).

What GUI you use to interact with MySQL?
I had used phpMyAdmin as GUI to interact and Navicat some time back. I remember PHP MyAdmin gives good interface to give many credentials or permissions.

Is it possible to access the data from the host..using mysql

Yes, for sure, provided you have set right permission, and you are not blocked by firewall.
The credentials are stored in a table under some database, which comes default with MySQL, which stores this credentials. But, I dont remember the table name now.


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