I have created project in VB.NET2005 for reading app.config.
Now I want the text boxes to validate input values and then store that values in child nodes Astrology,Cricket,ForeignCurrency,Jobs respectively
please help!!!!!

Can you please send the code you are using.

Can you please send the code you are using.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim astrology_value As String
Dim cricket_value As String
Dim foreigncurrency_value As String
Dim jobs_value As String
Dim app_path As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()

astrology_value = My.Settings.Astrology
cricket_value = My.Settings.Cricket
foreigncurrency_value = My.Settings.ForeignCurrency
jobs_value = My.Settings.Jobs

TextBox1.Text = (astrology_value)
TextBox2.Text = (cricket_value)
TextBox3.Text = (foreigncurrency_value)
TextBox4.Text = (jobs_value)
End Sub

For what?????

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