cjwenigma 0 Newbie Poster

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to write a simple and funny fighting game. I want to write the first class of the game called teacher and i'm not sure if i'm going about it right. I have the moves Punch, Kick, Deafening Whistle, and Textbook Takedown..haha.. don't ask! I also have methods reduceHealth() which controls number of health points. and an accessor method called getHealth(). I want to have four levels with four bad "guys". The problem I'm having is putting it all together in INT MAIN..with a menu do while loop. I'm not sure how to use the methods with the menu and loop..

using namespace std;

class teacher{
  int health;
  string name;
  void showHealth();
  void reduceHealth(int damage);  
  int block(int damage);
  int punch();
  int kick();
  int deafeningWhistle();
  int textbookTakedown();
  int getHealth();
  teacher(int _health, string _name);


  health = 200;
  name = "Professor Spartan";


int teacher::block(int damage){

  health = health - damage;


int teacher::punch(){

  health = health - 10;

int teacher::kick(){

  health = health - 15;

int teacher::defeningWhistle(){

  health = health - 25;

int teacher::textbookTakedown(){

  health = health - 50;

class freshman::public teacher{

  int sissyslap();



  health = 50;
  name = "Freshman";



int freshman::block(int damage){

  health = health - damage;


int freshman::sissyslap(){

  health = health - 5;

class sophomore::public teacher{

  int sissykick();



  health = 75;
  name = "Sophomore";



int sophomore::block(int damage){

  health = health - damage;


int sophomore::sissykick(){

  health = health - 5;

int sophomore::punch(){

  health = health - 10;

class junior::public teacher{


  int headbutt();



  health = 85;
  name = "Junior";


int junior::block(int damage){

  health = health - damage;


int junior::headbutt(){

  health = health - 20;

int junior::punch(){

  health = health - 10;

int junior::kick(){

  health = health - 15;

class senior::public teacher(){

  int headbutt();
  int beercanblitz();


  health = 100;
  name = "SuperSeniors!";



int senior::block(int damage){

  health = health - damage;


int senior::beercanblitz(){

  health = health - 5;

int senior::punch(){

  health = health - 10;

int senior::headbutt(){

  health = health - 20;

int senior::kick(){

  health = health - 15;
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