Sylvie.Georges 0 Newbie Poster

guc professors decided to give bonus marks to engnieering students to their high performance in their projects as follows :
1st semester students are given 5% of the total mark if the mark exceeds 90/100
3rd semester students are given 7% of the total mark if the mark exceeds 85/100
5th sem students are given 10% of the total mark if the mark exceeds 80/100
take into consideration that it's not possible 4 student mark 2 exceed 100/100 after adding bonus mark


get semester

get mark

if (semester=1) then

if (mark>=90 and mark <100) then

set total-mark to (mark + (mark * 0.05))


if (semester =3), (mark>=85 and mark<100) then

set total-mark to (mark + (mark * 0.07))


if (semester=5), (mark>=80 and mark<100) then

set total-mark to (mark+ (mark*0.1))





print “mark=100”


print “total-mark”

is this correct?????? by using if and else statement ? it's a pseudo-code

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