I want to learn Assembly language in 1 day can anyone suggest me a BestTutorial on Assembly language using TASM v4.1?

I know this is next to impossible. Still Please Help.

Also please tell me sites where I could get some source code which has comments on each of its source lines depicting what each line is doing which shall help me in learning the program faster.

Thank You in advance.


"I want to learn Assembly language in 1 day"


No need to be so harsh...

However, mrb260478, you really are asking the impossible. It can't be done in one day. You'll need at least a week, assuming you are a genius. Three or four weeks if not.

I don't personally know of many online tutorials. I learned assembly from books. But I googled "learn assembly language" and got some pretty good hits.

Good luck.

yeah, i was a bit harsh but still, 1 day is unrealisitic


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