Hi, everyone!
I have to make a function which would get a c-string of an inputted text and it would output the number of times each unique word occurs in it.
Of course, I must use c-strings [yeah yeah, I know but that is what the assignment is].
Here's my code:
void analyzeWordOccurrence(char* inputtedText)
//the function gets a C-String of text inputted from the user
//it tokenizes the words, and then counts the number of times each
//word occurs in the inputtedText
map<char*,unsigned> wordCounts = map<char*,unsigned>();
//tokenize the words and then add unique values to wordCounts
//if there is already such a value, increase the corresponding count by 1
char* tokenPtr = strtok(inputtedText," "); //begin tokenization of sentence
while (tokenPtr != NULL) //i.e. there is a token to analyze
//extract the word
cout << "DEBUG: tokenPtr: " << tokenPtr << endl;
char aToken[strlen(tokenPtr)];
cout << "DEBUG: aToken is: " << aToken << endl;
cout << "wordCounts.count(aToken) is: " << wordCounts.count(aToken) << endl;
if (wordCounts.count(aToken) == 0) //the token is not in the map
wordCounts.insert( pair<char*,unsigned>(aToken,1));
wordCounts[aToken]+=1; //token is there and increment count
tokenPtr = strtok(NULL," ");
cout << "\nDEBUG: Done counting. The counts are: " << endl;
for (auto& kv : wordCounts)
cout << kv.first << " has value " << kv.second << endl;
The issue is with the line "wordCounts.count(aToken) == 0.
Somehow it gives an output of 0 for the first word, but for the second word, it thinks that it is equal to the first word that I tokenized and put in map, and thus goes to the "else" statment, incrementing it to a 2 from 1.
Here's my console output from debugging:
Please <Enter> a giant line of text as input.
Do not be afraid if your input spans multiple lines on this console as this is OK (as long as the number of characters inputted is less than 500).
<Enter> here: malechi likes to exercise
DEBUG: tokenPtr: malechi
DEBUG: aToken is: malechi
wordCounts.count(aToken) is: 0
DEBUG: tokenPtr: likes
DEBUG: aToken is: likes
wordCounts.count(aToken) is: 1
As you can see, my function is not working, but I do not know how to fix it.
Would anyone be kind to offer some advice?