im using as my ide.
but clrscr() and gotoxy() is not working since conio is not there any header file that supports this codes? please help..thanks

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    gotoxy(5,10);cout<<"HELLO WORLD";
} tells us this is something from many decades ago. It's no longer used in most compilers and certainly nothing I've seen in the past decade.

If you have a need to use old functions like that, you may want to reasearch replacements for the compiler you choose.

so maybe you need to write

#include <conio.h>

so maybe you need to write is an online compiler that you can test your theory with. It takes a few seconds to confirm that this does not work. conio is a non-standard library, which means not all compilers (most in fact) do not support it. Those that do support it to varying degrees. Finally, expecting an online compiler to support Windows-based console mode transformations is somewhat unreasonable.

expecting an online compiler to support Windows-based console mode transformations is somewhat unreasonable.

sorry. i overlooked that it's online ide. then i'm asking myself why is he can't just google what kind of library is that.

commented: I'm noticed many of today's programmers have an aversion to research. +11
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