So i'm in the process of learning about functions and I'm not grasping the full operation of them. I have a menu in which I have utilized a function but I want to create a fucntion for each of the menu options. I've heard of pointers but I haven't researched them enough to know what they are. I'm also trying to get the area and the power to calculate in their own functions as well. Can anyone give me a basic breakdown of how I can do that! Thanks. I'm new to programming and I came across functions and how they can make things easier so I curious to see how they work.
#define PI 3.14159
#define row 10
#define col 3
int menuOption(void);
int main()
//const int row = 10;
//const int col = 3;
int choice, loopcount, n = 1, flag = 1;
float x = 0.000001;
float tidalFlowSpeed;
float windSpeed;
float waterDensity = 1000;
float airDensity = 1.225;
float k = 0.40; //Let k = the power coefficient for wind.
float m = 0.35; //Let m = the power coefficient for marine.
float r, Area, Power;
float windTurbine[row][col];
float marineTurbine[row][col];
printf(" | uPower Corporation |\n");
printf("Welcome analyst: |Chris Gorman| \n\n");
// set all to zero
for (int r = 0; r < row; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < col; ++c)
windTurbine[r][c] = 0.0;
marineTurbine[r][c] = 0.0;
while (flag)
choice = menuOption();
switch (choice)
case 0:
printf("\n| User has exited |\n\n");
flag = 0;
break;//break case 0.
case 1:
printf("\n\n| Wind Turbine - Power Calculator |\n\n");
printf("User can enter up to 10 turbines.\n\n");
printf(">>Enter the number of turbines to be calculated: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
loopcount = 1;
while (loopcount <= n && loopcount < row + 1)
int index = loopcount - 1;
printf(">>Enter the radius for turbine |%d| in meters: ", loopcount);
scanf("%f", &r);
printf(">>Enter the wind speed for turbine |%d| in meters/second: ", loopcount);
scanf("%f", &windSpeed);
windTurbine[index][0] = r; //Turbine Radius
Area = PI * pow(r, 2); //Area
windTurbine[index][1] = windSpeed; //Wind Speed
windTurbine[index][2] = ((airDensity * Area * pow(windSpeed, 3) * k) / 2) * x; //Power
printf("\n |Power = %.3f megawatts|\n\n", windTurbine[index][2]);
printf("Data entered: %f : %f : %f\n", windTurbine[index][0], windTurbine[index][1], windTurbine[index][2]);
break;//break case 1.
case 2:
printf("\n\n| Marine Turbine - Power Calculator |\n\n");
printf("User can enter up to 10 turbines.\n\n");
printf(">>Enter the number of marine turbines to be calculated: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
loopcount = 1;
while (loopcount <= n && loopcount < row + 1)
int index = loopcount - 1;
printf(">>Enter the radius for turbine |%d| in meters: ", loopcount);
scanf("%f", &r);
printf(">>Enter the tidal flow speed for turbine |%d| in meters/second: ", loopcount);
scanf("%f", &tidalFlowSpeed);
marineTurbine[index][0] = r; //Turbine Radius
Area = PI * pow(r, 2); //Area
marineTurbine[index][1] = tidalFlowSpeed; //Tidal Flow Speed
marineTurbine[index][2] = ((waterDensity * Area * pow(tidalFlowSpeed, 3) * k) / 2) * x; //Power
printf("\n |Power = %.3f megawatts|\n\n", marineTurbine[index][2]);
printf("Data entered: %f : %f : %f\n", marineTurbine[index][0], marineTurbine[index][1], marineTurbine[index][2]);
break;//break case 2.
case 3:
printf("\n\| Analysis - Marine Turbine Specifications |\n\n");
printf(">>Enter the power of a wind turbine in megawatts: ");
scanf("%f", &Power);
printf(">>Enter the tidal flow speed in meters/second: ");
scanf("%f", &tidalFlowSpeed);
r = sqrt((2 * Power) / (waterDensity * PI * pow(tidalFlowSpeed, 3) * m)) * 1000;
printf("\n |Radius = %.3f meters|\n\n", r);
printf(">>The marine turbine radius has to be %.3f meters in order to produce %.3f megawatts of power.\n\n", r, Power);
break;//break case 3.
case 4:
printf("\n| Wind Turbine Data |:\n\n");
printf("Turbine Radius(m)\t\tWind Speed (m/sec)\t\tPower (MW)\n");
for (int r = 0; r < row; ++r)
if (windTurbine[r][0] != 0.0)
for (int c = 0; c < col; ++c)
printf("%f\t\t\t", windTurbine[r][c]);
printf("\n| Marine Turbine Data |:\n\n");
printf("Turbine Radius(m)\t\tTidal Flow Speed (m/sec)\tPower (MW)\n");
for (int r = 0; r < row; ++r)
if (marineTurbine[r][0] != 0.0)
for (int c = 0; c < col; ++c)
printf("%f\t\t\t", marineTurbine[r][c]);
break;//break case 4.
printf("\n\nInvalid choice.\nPlease choose a valid menu option.\n\n");
break;//break default.
}//end swtich.
}//end while (flag).
}//end main.
int menuOption(void)
int choice = 0;
printf(" >> 0: Exit\n\n");
printf(" >> 1: Wind Turbine\n\n");
printf(" >> 2: Marine Turbine\n\n");
printf(" >> 3: Analysis\n\n");
printf(" >> 4: Turbine Table Data\n\n");
printf("\nPlease enter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
return choice;