I have a problem that regarding with my projects. I need to create a bleuprint of an urban planning and I manage to print all the buildings that are required usning array. My problem right now is how I am going to print the roads. (<>^v, 1, -1, Road (-1 = no maximum, ^, v, <, >, indicates direction of road, <> or ^v, indicates this road is two way left right or up down, follow order <>^v))

Here the palnning:

            C   C       ^   V           S   S                           
            C   C   >   >^  >v  >   >^v S   S                           
            C   C   <   <^  <v  <   <^v S   S           C   C           
            C   C       ^   v       ^v  S   S           C   C           
A   A                   ^   V       <>^v    <>  <>  <>^v    <>  C   C           
A   A                   ^   v                   ^v      C   C           
A   A                   ^   v                   ^v                      
A   A                   ^   v                   <>^v    <>  C   C           
A   A                   ^   v                   ^v      C   C           
A   A   A   >   >   >   >^  >v  >   >   H   H   >^v     C   C           
A   A   A   <   <   <   <^  <v  <   <   H   H   <^v     C   C           
                        ^   V                   ^v                      
                        ^   V                   ^v                      
                        ^   V                   ^v                      
                        ^   V                   ^v                      
                        ^   V                   ^v                      

A – Airport
C – Condominiums
H – Hospital
S – School
U – University
<>^v - Road

I'd look to prior works like MIT's UNA Urban planning toolbox as it incorporates concepts like ARCGIS for the data and graphic output.

I can't guess why someone would start from scratch with text output when the development of such systems is something that maybe thousands have put in a lot of time on. More at https://www.fastcompany.com/1778514/mits-free-urban-planning-software-will-help-build-cities-future
and http://cityform.mit.edu/projects/urban-network-analysis.html

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