Hi, I have a coding project due in 12 hours and I'm having a really hard time with programming. I came across this website because of my desperation for help. These are the requirements to pass the project:

Create a basic Restaurant Point of Sale software using C-Language. Your restaurant must have at least 20 items to choose from.

To receive full credit, your software must have the minimum of the following features:

I. Enhanced security and anti-fraud protection
• Use of string functions
• System is encrypted with username and password
• Your project must include 3 sets of username and password.
• username and password must not exceed 20 characters long


II. Menu Display
• Use of void functions
• After a successful log-in, the program must display the restaurant’s menu
• There are at least 20 menu items with corresponding code, name of the menu item, and price.

III. Action on Orders
• using Arrays, Functions. Conditional and Looping Statements
• After displaying the menu, the program will display the restaurant’s options
• Back to Menu option will display the restaurant’s menu again (II.)
• Take Order option will input orders by item code and automatically computes the total price

IV. Receipt

• Using Functions, Conditional and Looping Statements
• Receipt will show the summary of orders, quantity, price, and total
• An option for discount must also be included
• AN OPTION FOR DELIVERY, DINE-IN, or TAKEOUT must also be included.
• The program will accept cash payments and the system will display the amount of change to return.

I would really appreciate your help with this matter, thank you.

That seems like a lot to design and implement in 12 hours. You may want to ask for an extension on this project.

Maybe you are stuck at something specific. Tell what that is so we can discuss that issue.

commented: Hi, the deadline was extended to 24 hours from now. Its not that I'm stuck, I just have no sufficient knowledge in coding +0

As rproffitt says, this type of project is at least a full week's worth of work. How long ago was the project assigned? Do you have any code written so far? We can definitely try to assist you if you're stuck with something, but we are all volunteers here, just trying to help people learn because we were in your shoes once, and so it's not really practical or realistic for us to quit our day jobs to do your homework assignment for you.

As rproffitt suggests, I would reach out to the professor and ask for an extension. Without the time pressure, you can focus on actually learning and doing it right. If you're looking for a "quick fix", you can hire a programmer from a site such as Fiverr or Upwork to do it for you, but, again, it's not realistic for it to be done in 12 hours.

commented: I have done a bit of coding, but I'm not sure if it follows the requirement. +0

I have done a bit of coding, but I'm not sure if it follows the requirement.

Please share with us the code you have so far, as well as where your confusion is, where you're stuck, any errors you're getting, and why you feel it might not satisfy the requirement. We can help you fix up your code. :)

commented: I don't how I'm supposed to do the 3rd part of the coding +0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

void Menu();
int main ()
    char username1[21], password1[21];
    int u1;
    printf("USERNAME: ");   
    u1 = strcmp(username1,"Customer01");

    int p1;
    printf("\nPASSWORD: ");
    p1 = strcmp(password1,"Password01");

    if ((u1 == 0) && (p1 == 0))
    puts("\nWelcome to Bok's Burger");
    puts("\nIncorrect Username/Password");    

    if ((u1 == 0) && (p1 == 0))
    Menu ();
    printf("Press any key to continue..."); 

    return 0;

void Menu ()
    printf("                        Bok's Burger                        \n");
    printf("                           Menu                             \n\n");
    printf("011 Tiny Burger     20php                       111 Salmon Burger       150php\n");
    printf("022 Jumbo Burger    80php                       122 Slopper Burger      120php\n");
    printf("033 Turkey Burger   85php                       133 Slug Burger     110php\n");
    printf("044 Chicken Burger  90php                       144 Veggie Burger       150php\n"); 
    printf("055 BBQ Burger      90php                       155 Teriyaki Burger     160php\n");
    printf("066 Banquet Burger  150php                      166 Big Fries       60php\n");
    printf("077 Chilli Burger   100php                      177 Mojos           60php\n");
    printf("088 California Burger   120php                      188 Large Drinks        30php\n");
    printf("099 Jucy Lucy       130php                      199 Water           20php\n");
    printf("100 Rice Burger     120php                      200 Extra Cheese        15php\n");

I don't how I'm supposed to do the 3rd part of the coding

Let's tackle this project one part at a time. Before we can get to part 3, let's first focus on part 1. Part one requires 3 sets of usernames and passwords. The passwords must be encrypted. The user must be able to log in with one of the 3 login credentials, and then give an error message if the login is incorrect.

Your code stores a single username and password. If it's a match, then you welcome them, and if not, you give an error message. What about the second and third username and password combinations? Let's tackle that part before we can get to part 2 or part 3 of this project.

Additionally, part one says the system should be encrypted. I'm assuming what is meant by this is that the password should be stored encrypted in the system. Have you studied any encryption methods in your class? Perhaps something simple, such as MD5?

commented: To my current knowledge, I don't think I know encryption methods yet +0

Because this is an assignment, you should try ANY encryption. Unless there was specification such as SHA-256 or better.

For now, use the standard library. Tutorial at http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/windows/128374/
Or make something up. Be quick about it because you don't have to be that well encrypted because, deadlines and homework.

commented: Okay thank you for the help, I appreciate it +0
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