Web App State Management

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Web app state management

The current state of the user interface determines which application actions are enabled and thus which html elements are enabled for the user to invoke them. Classes are used in the html to indicate elements that need to be managed. Then jQuery is used to configure the user interface as the state of the application changes.

Function to enable/disable elements based on state

Here is a javascript/jQuery function, dobles(), that can be used to enable/disable and show/hide page elements to keep the page in synch with the current state of the application.

The html elements that are subject to enable/disable should have the class="able". The elements that are subject to show/hide should have the class="ible" (for visible/invisible).


    <div id="divCRUD" class="ible">
      <button id="btnNew" class="able">New</button>
      <button id="btnSearch" class="able">Search</button>
      <button id="btnSave" class="able">Save</button>
      <button id="btnCancel" class="able">Cancel/Clear</button>
      <button id="btnDelete" class="able">Delete</button>

Enabled actions determine enabled elements

Since the elements to enable/disable and show/hide depend on which application actions are enabled, associate the actions with the elements needed in the user interface.


    // Define variables for actions that associate user controls per action
    //   These variables correspond to the enabled actions listed in the htm comments
    //   Each action has one or seveveral jQuery selection strings that identify controls to be enabled
    editName = ['#tiName'];
    editNote = ['#tiNote'];
    addRecord = ['#btnNew'];
    cancel = ['#btnCancel'];
    search = ['#btnSearch'];
    deleteRecord = ['#btnDelete'];
    saveRecord = ['#btnSave'];

For the current state of the application, some subset of actions are enabled. So create an array of the enabled actions. And pass the array to the dobles() function.


    enableds = [editName, editNote, saveRecord, cancel];
    visibles = [];  // No elements of class "ible" need to made explicitly visible.
    dobles(enableds, visibles);

The dobles() function

The dobles() function is an abbreviation of "do enable/disable and visible/invisible". dobles() accepts an array of action variables like the enableds array above. Each action variable in the array is itself an array of jQuery selector strings. Then dobles() configures the page by enabling the listed elements and disabling all elements with class="able" that are not listed. dobles() also makes visible any element of class="ible" that has any enabled children of class="able". Also dobles() requires a second argument that is an array of jQuery selector strings for elements that should be explicitly made visible whether or not they contain elements to enable. dobles() is careful not to enable elements that are already enabled and not to disable elements that are already disabled so that it is more efficient and robust.

Complete demo app

Demo application

LastMitch commented: Thanks for the Code Snippets & Demo +11
// Function called after array of selectors to be enabled is set up per the ui state
        //  enabs is array of arrays of jQuery selectors of html elements to be enabled
        //  Any element of class "ible" that contains an element to be enabled will be made visible
        //  Also, any selectors listed in visibs array will be made visible
         function dobles(enabs, visibs){
          // Concatenate elements of enabs (which are arrays of selector strings) 
          //   into single array of selector strings
                var allEnableds = [];
                $.each(enabs, function(idx, val){
                    allEnableds = allEnableds.concat(val);
              $('.able').not(allEnableds.join()).prop('disabled', true);   // Disable anything not listed
                $(allEnableds.join()).not(':enabled').prop('disabled', false);  // Enable if not already enabled
                // Build set of jq objects to include all elements of class "ible" 
                //   that contain any element from allEnableds
                var theVisibles = $('.ible').has(allEnableds.join())  
                    .add(visibs.join());   // Tack on selectors explicitly listed for forced visibility
              $('.ible').not(theVisibles).hide();  // Hide anything not listed
                theVisibles.not(':visible').show();  // Show if not currently visible
Member Avatar for LastMitch

This is nice Code Snippet. Thanks for sharing.

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