Im new to Coldfusion, and here is what i would like to do:
I'm using a html-editor on one cfm-page, and saving the text in a database:
--mytext written i the html-editor ----------------------
Nunc libero ligula volutpat ac aliquet id laoreet ac lacus.
In dictum tincidunt turpis. Morbi sodales, justo ut posuere viverra
, mi turpis egestas nunc, ac consequat leo elit vitae pede.
And showing the text entered in the editor on an other page.
<!-- viewcontent.cfm -->
<cfquery name="pagecontent" datasource="myDB">
Select id, mytext from contenttable
Where id = 5
<cfoutput query="pagecontent">#mytext#</cfoutput>
... that's very simple!
But, that i want to do is replacing the string; [peopleoutofoffice] in #mytest# with the result of an other cfm template, like this:
<CFOUTPUT>#replace(mytext,"[peopleoutofoffice]", GetOutOfOffice.cfm)#</CFOUTPUT>
<!-- GetOutOfOffice.cfm -->
<cfquery name="OutOfOffice" datasource="myDB">
Select firstname, surname, status from persontable
Where status is "out"
<td>The following people is out of office</td>
<cfoutput query="OutOfOffice">
<td>#firstname# #surname#</td>
How do i solve this problem?