Hello everyone,
I am trying to istall this script which has no install instructions.

However, in the Config document it hs the following line whichit says to edit

$items_path = "/var/www/vhosts/cyberpetcity.com/httpdocs/images"; //EDIT
$Z = "";

I thought it may have been the full URL that I was supose to put here to the images folder. But it doesnt seem to work.

I have alsotried to just change the domain but that hasnt worked either.

Im not sure what the vhosts - var - www and httpdocs bits mean.

Any help wuld be much apreciated

Any ideas anyone?

Justin, It isn't a URL or domain -- it's the absolute path to a directory; i.e. "/var/www/htdocs/images" or "/home/justin/sites/images".

As cfroese has mentioned, its the path where you have all your images. You can login through your ftp credentials and check where your images are. Then edit the path in this script.

Happy christmas everyone.

I am sorry but I dont understand where you would fidthe path. I have cute FTP and cannot seem tofid anything that resembles this except the URL leading to the images folder. :>/


After you login to your site using cuteftp, you will probably find a list of folders. Search for the above path. Well, If you can't find the path, then there is no path ! Create a folder called images, with path, /var/www/vhosts/cyberpetcity.com/httpdocs/. Put all your images inside that folder.

Hello , have you tried this:


So with a slash before the point ?
Succes !

Hello , have you tried this:


So with a slash before the point ?
Succes !

...forgot the stupid slash in front of the dot and was banging my head!!! ughhhh!

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