Hey guys, I'm really new to this :icon_confused: I've managed to setup a Web Service and a Client to access the service within Eclipse. However, I want to access a Web Service that already exists. From what I understand, that service must have a WSDL (Web Services Description Language) for it to be used by Eclipse. The Web Service that I want to interact with does not have a WSDL or at the very least it doesn't have a .wsdl file. Um I'm hoping that's possible or perhaps I've confused the application I'm trying to access for a Web Service?
I'm using a pre-defined platform that can process SOAP requests. Just to confirm the following is a SOAP request hey?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetObservation service="SOS" version="0.0.31"
I want to be able to send requests via a Java program and interpret these results within the program. Can anyone please tell me how this is done? I'd need the appropriate .jar files hey? I'm not sure what they are or if they even come with Eclipse. The version of Eclipse that I have is the JaveEE one. Please advise :icon_neutral: