justapimp 1 Junior Poster in Training

I have coldfusion file that I am calling from my ASP page using the response.redirect() method. Inside my url string, I am passing a variable/value pair as shown below.

Response.Redirect("http://www.gpsit.com/tools/glr/index.cfm?acctuid=" + accntData.Uid);

The page that I am calling is:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

	<title>GPSIT GLR (GPS Location Recorder) Scheduler</title>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../includes/js/calendar.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../includes/js/calendar-en.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../includes/js/calendar-setup.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../includes/js/formcheck.js"></script>
	var isHREF = false; //this is used to override a goTo event when the user clicks directly on a link (protects against double posts)

	function goTo(url) {
	    if (!isHREF) {
	        window.location.href = url;

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../../includes/css/calendar-system.css" title="system" />	
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../includes/css/gpsCart_style.css">

	intArr = arrayNew(2);
	//intArr[1][1] = '30 Seconds';
	//intArr[1][2] = 0.5;
	//intArr[2][1] = '1 Minute';
	//intArr[2][2] = 1;
	intArr[1][1] = '3 Minutes';
	intArr[1][2] = 3;
	intArr[2][1] = '5 Minutes';
	intArr[2][2] = 5;
	intArr[3][1] = '10 Minutes';
	intArr[3][2] = 10;
	intArr[4][1] = '15 Minutes';
	intArr[4][2] = 15;
	intArr[5][1] = '30 Minutes';
	intArr[5][2] = 30;
	zoneArr = arraynew(1);
	zoneArr[1] = 'PST';
	zoneArr[2] = 'CST';
	zoneArr[3] = 'EST';

<cfif isdefined("cookie.acctuid")>
		<cfif isdefined("url.acctuid")>
		<cfcookie name="acctuid" value="#url.acctUID#"> 
	<cfif isdefined("url.acctuid")>
		<cfcookie name="acctuid" value="#url.acctUID#"> 
		<cfset v = "error">

<cfif isdefined("action")>
	<cfinclude template="glr_actions.cfm">
<cfparam name="v" default="main">

<cfswitch expression="#v#">
	<cfcase value="main">
		<cfinclude template="view_devices.cfm">
	<cfcase value="create">
		<cfinclude template="disp_Schedule.cfm">
	<cfcase value="error">
		An Account has not been specified.



The accntData.Uid is the account information needed to create the session for that page. The call to the page goes well and the account comes up with no problem. However, once in the account, nothing can be accomplished because the account information seems to get lost when I tried to access the other .cfm page.

Can anyone help?

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