does anyone know of a good php validator online. I used one called bermi.org and put my code in and gave me an error but i don't know what line the error is occuring. Perhaps someone could help me out.

This is the code

 * INDEX - Tutor index

require_once(DOC__ROOT . "lang/en/generic.php");
require_once(DOC__ROOT . "lang/en/tutors/tutors.php");

check_user($_user, 'staff');

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin Page

$UI->page_title = APP__NAME;
$UI->menu_selected = 'home';
$UI->breadcrumbs = array	(
	'home' 			=> null ,

echo '<p>' . WELCOME . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . SECTIONS__INTRO . '</p>';

<table class="option_list" style="width: 500px;">
	<td><a href="forms/"><img src="../images/icons/form.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo MY__FORMS; ?>" /></a></td>
		<div class="option_list">
			<div class="option_list_title"><a class="hidden" href="forms/"><?php echo MY__FORMS; ?></a></div>
			<p><?php echo OPT__FORMS__DESC; ?></p>
	<td><a href="groups/"><img src="../images/icons/groups.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo MY__GROUPS; ?>" /></a></td>
		<div class="option_list">
			<div class="option_list_title"><a class="hidden" href="groups/"><?php echo MY__GROUPS; ?></a></div>
			<p><?php echo OPT__GROUPS__DESC; ?></p>
	<td><a href="assessments/"><img src="../images/icons/assessments.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo MY__ASSESSMENTS; ?>" /></a></td>
		<div class="option_list">
			<div class="option_list_title"><a class="hidden" href="assessments/"><?php echo MY__ASSESSMENTS; ?></a></div>
			<p><?php echo OPT__ASSESSMENTS__DESC ?></p>

<h2><?php echo GETTING__STARTED__TITLE ; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo GETTING__STARTED__DESC ; ?></p>

<?php $UI->content_end();?>

This is the error it produced

Ooops! There are some errors on the XHTML page

* XHTML is not well-formed. not well-formed (invalid token) on line 39

Showing XHTML code
page_title = APP__NAME; $UI->menu_selected = 'home'; $UI->breadcrumbs = array ( 'home' => null , ); $UI->head(); $UI->body(); $UI->content_start(); echo '

' . WELCOME . '
'; echo '

'; ?>
<?php echo MY__FORMS; ?>

<?php echo MY__GROUPS; ?>

<?php echo MY__ASSESSMENTS; ?>


You want to validate PHP or validate the page that is generated? You can validate PHP by running the script, if it runs it's valid :)

If you want to validate the page generated then use http://validator.w3.org/

You can also turn on the error message. It does a good job of pinpointing most errors. Place it at the top of your script, just after the first opening PHP tag '<?php'

Do not leave this turned on for a live site. It may give too much information to hackers.

To turn on error messages:


To turn off error messages:


You can also turn on the error message. It does a good job of pinpointing most errors. Place it at the top of your script, just after the first opening PHP tag '<?php'

Do not leave this turned on for a live site. It may give too much information to hackers.

To turn on error messages:


To turn off error messages:


How do i know how to get the error message as i have put the error_reporting(E_ALL); after the first opening PHP tag like this

 * Edit Form
 * @copyright 2007 Loughborough University
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
 * @version
require_once(DOC__ROOT. '/include/classes/class_form.php');

check_user($_user, 'staff');

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process GET/POST

$form_id = fetch_GET('f');

$command = fetch_POST('command');

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$form =& new Form($DB);
if ($form->load($form_id)) {
	$form_qs = "f={$form->id}";
} else {
	$form = null;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process Form

$errors = null;

if ( ($command) && ($form) ) {
	switch ($command) {
		case 'save':
					// Change of name
					$form->name = fetch_POST('form_name');
      		if (empty($form->name)) { $errors[] = 'You must give this form a name.'; }
					// If there were no errors, save the changes
					if (!$errors) {
		// --------------------
		case 'delete':
					header('Location: '. APP__WWW .'/tutors/forms/index.php');
		// --------------------
	}// /switch

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin Page

$page_title = ($form) ? "Edit form: {$form->name}" : 'Edit form';

$UI->page_title = APP__NAME . ' ' . $page_title;
$UI->menu_selected = 'my forms';
$UI->breadcrumbs = array(
	'home'         => '../../' ,
	'my forms'     => '../' ,
	$page_title    => null ,

$UI->set_page_bar_button('List Forms', '../../../../images/buttons/button_form_list.gif', '../');
$UI->set_page_bar_button('Create Form', '../../../../images/buttons/button_form_create.gif', '../create/');
$UI->set_page_bar_button('Clone a Form', '../../../../images/buttons/button_form_clone.gif', '../clone/');

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

	function do_command(com) {
		switch (com) {
			case 'delete' :
						if (confirm('This assessment form will be deleted.\n\nClick OK to confirm.')) {
							document.assessmentform_form.command.value = 'delete';
			case 'preview' :
						var popupwin;
						popupwin = window.open('preview_form.php?f=<?php echo($form->id); ?>','preview');
			default :
						document.assessmentform_form.command.value = com;
	}// /do_command()


$UI->draw_boxed_list($errors, 'error_box', 'The following errors were found:', 'No changes have been saved. Please check the details in the form, and try again.');


<p>On this page you can change the name of this form, and add/remove assessment criteria.</p>

<div class="content_box">

if (!$form) {
	<div class="nav_button_bar">
		<a href="../"><img src="../../../images/buttons/arrow_green_left.gif" alt="back -"> back to forms list</a>

	<p>The form you selected could not be loaded for some reason - please go back and try again.</p>
} else {
	<form action="edit_form.php?<?php echo($form_qs); ?>" method="post" name="assessmentform_form">
	<input type="hidden" name="command" value="none" />

	<div class="nav_button_bar">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
			<td><a href="../"><img src="../../../images/buttons/arrow_green_left.gif" alt="back -"> back to forms list</a></td>
			<td align="right"><input class="warning_button" type="button" name="" value="preview form" onclick="do_command('preview');" /></td>
			<td align="right"><input class="danger_button" type="button" name="" value="delete form" onclick="do_command('delete');" /></td>
	<h2>Form Name</h2>
	<div class="form_section form_line">
		<p>You can change this form's name using the box below. When you've made your changes, click the <em>save changes</em> button.</p>
		<table class="form" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
			<th><label for="form_name">Name</label></th>
			<td><input type="text" name="form_name" id="form_name" maxlength="100" size="40" value="<?php echo($form->name)?>" /></td>
			<td><input type="button" name="savebutton1" id="savebutton1" value="save changes" onclick="do_command('save');" /></td>
	<h2>Assessment Criteria</h2><a name="questions"></a>
	<div class="form_section">
		$question_count = (int) $form->get_question_count();
		if ($question_count==0) {
			<p>You have not added any assessment criteria to this form yet. You need to <a class="button" href="../edit/add_question/index.php?<?php echo($form_qs); ?>">add&nbsp;a&nbsp;new&nbsp;criterion</a> before the form can be used.</p>
		} else {
			<p>The group will rate themselves and each other against the assessment criteria you specify.</p>
			<p>e.g. <em>"Ability to communicate"</em> or <em>"Contribution to the analysis of the experimental data"</em>.</p>
			<p>You can edit a criterion by clicking on the <img src="../../../images/buttons/edit.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="edit question" title="edit" /> button, or you can <a class="button" href="../edit/add_question/index.php?<?php echo($form_qs); ?>">add&nbsp;a&nbsp;new&nbsp;criterion</a></p>

			<div class="obj_list">
			for($i=0; $i<$question_count; $i++) {
				$question_qs = "{$form_qs}&q=$i";
				$question = $form->get_question($i);
				$edit_url = "edit_question/index.php?$question_qs";
				<div class="obj">
					<table class="obj" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						<td class="obj_info" valign="top">
							<div class="obj_name"><a class="text" href="<?php echo($edit_url); ?>"><?php echo($question['text']['_data']); ?></a></div>
								if (array_key_exists('desc', $question)) {
									$question_desc = (array_key_exists('desc', $question)) ? $question['desc']['_data'] : '' ;
									echo("<div class=\"obj_info_text\">$question_desc</div>");
							<div class="obj_info_text">Scoring range: <?php echo($question['range']['_data']); ?></div>
							foreach($question as $k => $v) {
								if (strpos($k,'scorelabel')===0) {
									$num = str_replace('scorelabel','',$k);
									echo("<div class=\"obj_info_text\">Score $num : {$v['_data']}</div>");
						<td class="button"><a href="<?php echo($edit_url); ?>"><img src="../../../images/buttons/edit.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="edit question" title="edit" /></a></td>
						<td class="button" width="20">
							if ($i>0) {
								echo("<a href=\"question_action.php?{$question_qs}&a=up\"><img src=\"../../../images/buttons/arrow_green_up.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"move up\" title=\"move up\" /></a>");
							} else {
						<td class="button" width="20">
							if ($i<($question_count-1)) {
								echo("<a href=\"question_action.php?{$question_qs}&a=down\"><img src=\"../../../images/buttons/arrow_green_down.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"move down\" title=\"move down\" /></a>");
							} else {
						<td class="button" width="20"><a href="question_action.php?<?php echo($question_qs); ?>&a=delete"><img src="../../../images/buttons/cross.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a></td>


But when i type in the localhost/webpaos/tutors/....edit_form.php
nothing happens...

does anyone know of a good php validator online. I used one called bermi.org and put my code in and gave me an error but i don't know what line the error is occuring. Perhaps someone could help me out.

This is the code

 * INDEX - Tutor index

require_once(DOC__ROOT . "lang/en/generic.php");
require_once(DOC__ROOT . "lang/en/tutors/tutors.php");

check_user($_user, 'staff');

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin Page

$UI->page_title = APP__NAME;
$UI->menu_selected = 'home';
$UI->breadcrumbs = array	(
	'home' 			=> null ,

echo '<p>' . WELCOME . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . SECTIONS__INTRO . '</p>';

<table class="option_list" style="width: 500px;">
	<td><a href="forms/"><img src="../images/icons/form.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo MY__FORMS; ?>" /></a></td>
		<div class="option_list">
			<div class="option_list_title"><a class="hidden" href="forms/"><?php echo MY__FORMS; ?></a></div>
			<p><?php echo OPT__FORMS__DESC; ?></p>
	<td><a href="groups/"><img src="../images/icons/groups.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo MY__GROUPS; ?>" /></a></td>
		<div class="option_list">
			<div class="option_list_title"><a class="hidden" href="groups/"><?php echo MY__GROUPS; ?></a></div>
			<p><?php echo OPT__GROUPS__DESC; ?></p>
	<td><a href="assessments/"><img src="../images/icons/assessments.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo MY__ASSESSMENTS; ?>" /></a></td>
		<div class="option_list">
			<div class="option_list_title"><a class="hidden" href="assessments/"><?php echo MY__ASSESSMENTS; ?></a></div>
			<p><?php echo OPT__ASSESSMENTS__DESC ?></p>

<h2><?php echo GETTING__STARTED__TITLE ; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo GETTING__STARTED__DESC ; ?></p>

<?php $UI->content_end();?>

This is the error it produced

Ooops! There are some errors on the XHTML page

* XHTML is not well-formed. not well-formed (invalid token) on line 39

Showing XHTML code
page_title = APP__NAME; $UI->menu_selected = 'home'; $UI->breadcrumbs = array ( 'home' => null , ); $UI->head(); $UI->body(); $UI->content_start(); echo '

' . WELCOME . '
'; echo '

'; ?>
<?php echo MY__FORMS; ?>

<?php echo MY__GROUPS; ?>

<?php echo MY__ASSESSMENTS; ?>



ran a page consisting of <?php phpinfo(); ?> and got error messages, ran it again and got "This page is Valid XHTML" ran it 3rd time and got error messages
suggest the w3c validator http://validator.w3.org/ which gives location of errors at least

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