Ok i am pretty new to php so i could be missing a simple trick here. I need to be able to read all text files within a given directory and have them appear in a combo box by file name. After searching for what seems like forever, i can only seem to find methods of this using sql. Is this possible without the use of databases?

thanks in advance

try this out

//specify path of directory
$dir = 'text/';

//open directory
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) 
	//read each file
	while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
		//only get files of a particular type       
	    if(mime_content_type($dir . $file) == 'text/plain')
			//eliminate additional directories
			if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
				//store filename in array
				$option[] = $file ; 

	//close directory
	//create combo box
	$cbo = '<select name="select" id="select">';
	//create option for each file
	foreach($option as $key=>$val)
		$cbo .='<option value="'.$val.'">'.$val.'</option>';
	//close combo box
	$cbo .= '</select>';
	//output combo box (might want to put this in a form tag on your final page)
	echo $cbo;


sorry, the indentation got a little messed up on paste

works perfectly, just what the doctor ordered. Thanks a lot for that very much appreciated.

always glad when a snippet in the toolbox can be of use to others!

try this out

//specify path of directory
$dir = 'text/';

//open directory
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) 
	//read each file
	while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
		//only get files of a particular type       
	    if(mime_content_type($dir . $file) == 'text/plain')
			//eliminate additional directories
			if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
				//store filename in array
				$option[] = $file ; 

	//close directory
	//create combo box
	$cbo = '<select name="select" id="select">';
	//create option for each file
	foreach($option as $key=>$val)
		$cbo .='<option value="'.$val.'">'.$val.'</option>';
	//close combo box
	$cbo .= '</select>';
	//output combo box (might want to put this in a form tag on your final page)
	echo $cbo;


i tried this code but i have an exception that says
" Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string "
in this line-->$cbo .='<option value="'.$val.'">'.$val.'</option>';
so,how i can solve this

Please show your full code with explanation.

Please show your full code with explanation.

hii ayesha789,
i just tried to select column from table and load the return value in combo box here is the code:-

$query = "SELECT url FROM " .
     "{managelinks }";

  $queryResult =  db_query($query);

  $block_content = '';  
  $cbo ='';
  while ($links = db_fetch_object($queryResult)) 
   $option[] = $links ;
  $cbo .= '<select name="select" id="select">'; 	
  foreach( $option as $key => $val)	
  $cbo .=(String)"<option>".$val."</option>";	
  $cbo .= '</select>';

but i found this exception:-
"recoverable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in "

so any help to solve this exception.

thanks for advance

Sorry for dragging up an ancient thread, not usualy one for doing that.

Since i have been dabbling in php again now i have time i tweaked the original code snippet posted in this thread to display files by the date they were created (newest first), but ended up with erratic results.

// find all files in directory				 
	$uploadDir = 'video_entries/';      
            if ($handle = opendir($uploadDir)) { 
              while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {       
                if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "addvideo.php") { 
                    $file_arr[] = $file; 

function DateCmp($a, $b)
              return ($a[1] < $b[1]) ? -1 : 0;

function SortByDate(&$file_arr)
            usort($file_arr, 'DateCmp');

// sort file array by time created            

I then use a foreach loop to display all the files, as shown below. (sorry about the exess html code).

foreach ($file_arr as $file) {

echo "<tr><td class=\"header_video\">";
echo "&nbsp";
echo "</tr></td>";
echo "<tr><td class=\"entrycontent_video\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; 
echo "</td></tr>";

echo "<td class=\"video_spacer\"></td>";

Now the page displays correctly as intended and there are no php errors or warnings. The only issue is that the files dont display in the order i want ie by date. which is the sole purpose of the script.

I am guessing that the error, a logical one, is somewhere in either the DateCmp or SortByDate function, but cant seem to get my head around it.

Any help on this one would be a life saver!

//output combo box (might want to put this in a form tag on your final page)
echo $cbo;

How would I add this in a form tag on my final page?

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