i am having a problem with this snippet of code, please could somene take a look and tell me what i need to do to make it work in most browsers, so far it only seems to works in IE and Opera. thank you

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<script language="JavaScript">

n = (document.layers) ? 1:0
ie = (document.all) ? 1:0

function init() {
  slideoutActive = 0
  if (n) {
    slideout1 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutContent.document.slideoutContent1
    slideout2 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutContent.document.slideoutContent2
    slideout3 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutContent.document.slideoutContent3
    slideout4 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutContent.document.slideoutContent4
                slideout5 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutContent.document.slideoutContent5

  if (ie) {
    slideout1 = slideoutContent1.style
    slideout2 = slideoutContent2.style
    slideout3 = slideoutContent3.style
    slideout4 = slideoutContent4.style
                slideout5 = slideoutContent5.style
  slideoutShown = slideout1    
  slideoutShown.xpos = 0
  slideoutNew = "none"      
  slideoutNew.xpos = -600

function slideout(which) {
  if (!slideoutActive && slideoutShown != which) {
    slideoutActive = 1  
    slideoutNew = which
    slideoutNew.xpos = -600

function slideoutLeft() {
  if (slideoutShown.xpos > -600) {
    slideoutShown.xpos -= 15
    slideoutShown.left = slideoutShown.xpos
  else {

function slideoutRight() {
  if (slideoutNew.xpos < 0) {
    slideoutNew.xpos += 15
    slideoutNew.left = slideoutNew.xpos
  else {
    slideoutShown = slideoutNew
    slideoutActive = 0  // stops the sequence

function show(showobj) {
  if (n) showobj.visibility = "show"
  if (ie) showobj.visibility = "visible"
function hide(hideobj) {
  if (n) hideobj.visibility = "hide"
  if (ie) hideobj.visibility = "hidden"

<style type="text/css">

h2 {color:white;
body{ background-color:
a.nav:link {background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:'Arial'; font-weight:bold; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:none; line-height:20pt;}
a.nav:visited{background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:'Arial'; font-weight:bold; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:none; line-height:20pt;}
a.nav:hover {background-color:#FF00FF; font-family:'Arial'; font-weight:bold; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:underline; line-height:20pt;}
a.nav:active {background-color:#FF00FF; font-family:'Arial'; font-weight:bold; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:none; line-height:20pt;}

STRONG {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:15pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:25pt;}
P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; line-height:13pt;}
TD {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; line-height:13pt;}

#slideoutInterface {position:absolute; left:50; top:50; width:800; height:500; background-color:#000000; layer-background-color:#000000; visibility:visible;}
#slideoutSidebar1 {position:absolute; left:5; top:5; width:100; height:30; clip:rect(0,100,30,0);  layer-background-color:#000000;}
#slideoutSidebar2 {position:absolute; left:5; top:40; width:100; height:30; clip:rect(0,100,30,0);  layer-background-color:#000000;}
#slideoutSidebar3 {position:absolute; left:5; top:75; width:100; height:30; clip:rect(0,100,30,0); layer-background-color:#000000;}
#slideoutSidebar4 {position:absolute; left:5; top:110; width:100; height:30; clip:rect(0,100,30,0);  layer-background-color:#000000;}
#slideoutSidebar5 {position:absolute; left:5; top:145; width:100; height:30; clip:rect(0,100,30,0);  layer-background-color:#000000;}

#slideoutContent {position:absolute; left:110; top:5; width:700; height:500;clip:rect(0,700,600,0); background-color:#000000; layer-background-color:#000000;}
#slideoutContent1 {position:absolute; left:-600; top:0; width:600; height:500; clip:rect(0,600,600,0); background-color:#DEDEDE; layer-background-color:#DEDEDE; visibility:visible;}
#slideoutContent2 {position:absolute; left:-600; top:0; width:600; height:500; clip:rect(0,600,600,0); background-color:#DEDEDE; layer-background-color:#DEDEDE; visibility:hidden;}
#slideoutContent3 {position:absolute; left:-600; top:0; width:600; height:500; clip:rect(0,600,600,0); background-color:#DEDEDE; layer-background-color:#DEDEDE; visibility:hidden;}
#slideoutContent4 {position:absolute; left:-600; top:0; width:600; height:500; clip:rect(0,600,600,0); background-color:#DEDEDE; layer-background-color:#DEDEDE; visibility:hidden;}
#slideoutContent5 {position:absolute; left:-600; top:0; width:600; height:500; clip:rect(0,600,600,0); background-color:#DEDEDE; layer-background-color:#DEDEDE; visibility:hidden;}

<body onload="init()">

<h2 align="center">Hutches And Crutches</h2>

<div align="center" id="slideoutInterface">

<p align="CENTER"><a class="nav" id="slideoutSidebar1" onclick="slideout(slideout1)" href="javascript://">About Us</a></p>
<p align="CENTER"><a class="nav" id="slideoutSidebar2" onclick="slideout(slideout2)" href="javascript://">Contact Us</a></p>
<p align="CENTER"><a class="nav" id="slideoutSidebar3" onclick="slideout(slideout3)" href="javascript://">Find Us</a></p>
<p align="CENTER"><a class="nav" id="slideoutSidebar4" onclick="slideout(slideout4)" href="javascript://">Products</a></p>
<p align="CENTER"><a class="nav" id="slideoutSidebar5" onclick="slideout(slideout5)" href="javascript://">Pets</a></p>

<div id="slideoutContent">

<div id="slideoutContent1">
<p align="CENTER"><strong>About Us</strong></P>


<div id="slideoutContent2">
<p align="CENTER"><strong>Contact Us</strong>
<table border="0" width="275"><td>
<form action="/" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name"><br>
<input type="text" name="email"><br>
<textarea cols="30" rows="6"></textarea><br>
<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="reset">
<input type="submit" name="Sumbit" value="submit">

<div id="slideoutContent3">
<p align="CENTER"><strong>Find Us</strong>
<table border="0" width="275"><td>


<div id="slideoutContent4">
<p align="CENTER"><strong>Products</strong>
<table border="0" width="275"><td>


<div id="slideoutContent5">
<p align="CENTER"><strong>Pets</strong>
<table border="0" width="275"><td>



Hi emhmk1,

In your styles, I have noticed that you have written font-family like this: "font-family:'Arial'". Trying removing the single quotes around Arial so it looks like this:


Let me know how this go's:)

Hi richie513,

I have tried what you suggested and alas it did not work.

Any other ideas?

I'll see if I can run the script through firebug, this will tell me where the errors are, I'll get back to you soon:)

You have a javascript problem, i'll check out the error and get back to you.

Font-family names can be quoted. Especially, because the the name might contain whitespace, like 'Nimbus Sans L Condensed'. There is no harm in quoting font family names, even if they do not contain whitespace.

What problem are you having with the code? 'I'm having a problem' isn't very descriptive.

What browsers are you targeting? Since most modern browsers support the notion of document.getElementById( ), and the style collection; try using code like:

slideout1 = document.getElementById( 'slideout1' );
slideout1.style. /*etc */

The problem with your script is that in your java script is throwing an uncaught exception. The error is :

"slideout1 is not defined"

As I don't know to much about Javascript I can't really help any further, But I wish you the best of luck now that you know what the problem is.

Hi Matt, I never said that it was a problem quoting the family-fonts, It is just that I was tought not to do it that way, I thought it could maybe cause a problem for browser compatibility. But after reading your above post I now know, thank you for pointing that out:)

Slideout1 isn't defined because the browser checks you're using arent working properly: you're either not selecting a browser atall ( likely, since you don't have any kind of 'default' case ) thus you're running no code to select slideout[1-n]; or the way your accessing slideout[1-n] for the selected browser isn't correct. Generally, you should avoid trying to determine the browser and selecting code that way - either determine each capability as you need it ( i.e. test that the objects document.all / [object].style / etc are defined before trying to use those objects specifically ), or use standards ( where they exist ). Since there is a standard for 'getting an element' and 'setting a style', I don't think you'll have problems, or need to use any kind of browser type determination unless your targetting really obscure/archaic browsers. Just use document.getElementById( 'name' ).style.property..

Wel... you probably shouldn't quote the generic families ( serif, sans-serif, cursive, monospace, etc ).. but arial is a system dependant font; ( its a microsoft font ), so, if you want compatibility, you shouldn't use 'arial' as the only font choice in the first place. Use a list like: font-family:'Arial','Helvetica', sans-serif; ^ will use Arial if its available, else Helvetica if its available, else sans-serif ( which is ALWAYS available but usually ugly ). That selection looks 'pleasant' on the widest range of browsers ( since Helvetica is a common Arial-esque font on multiple platforms ).

Yep I usually use other fonts for more choices other than Arial, I just never quoted them, And thanks to your advice, I now have learnt that it is ok to use quotes. So Thank you, you just tought me something new:)

Hi Matt.

Thanks for taking a look at the problem for me, I don't know too much about js either so i really dont have a clue what to do. Basically all i want is to make the code work in ie, firefox, netscape, opera and safari which it isnt currently doing.

Thanks for all your help too richie.


p.s sorry to be a pain in the baackside i am quite dense!!

Its no worries, I sorry I can't help you any further. I will have to study JS one day I think:)

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