i have a problem with this page and neither me or my lecutrer can spot it.
all i want it to do is display the details of the person who has just logged in.
can any one help??

<cfquery name="GetStudent" datasource="2ndHandBooks"> 
SELECT * FROM students WHERE matno = #Form.MatNo# AND Password = #Form.password# </cfquery>
<cfif GetStudent.RecordCount gt 0>
<!--- Store the user id in session --->
<cfset Session.matno = GetStudent.>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


<body bgcolor="#666666" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF">
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<div id="Layer7" style="position:absolute; left:623px; top:39px; width:600px; height:16px; z-index:6"><font color="#006699" size="1" face="Tahoma, Courier, Courier New, Lucida Console, Lucida Handwriting, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Lucida Sans Unicode"><strong>
<div id="Layer4" style="position:absolute; left:51px; top:90px; width:215px; height:401px; z-index:5"><img src="images/rowofbooks.jpg" alt="BOOKS" width="209" height="398" border="2"></a></div>
<!--- User does not exist --->
<cflocation url=".cfm"> </cfif>

What type of issue are you experiencing? Are you getting a coldfusion error? If so post a cfdump of the error with a stacktrace (can be deprecated if you want, but leave the line numbers).

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