hii,,guys,,i m using asp.net2005 and sql server 2005...in my page i have used gridview and sql datasource,i m able to edit,update and delete the records,,the problem is tht for 1 column i would lik to use a dropdown list instead of textbox when i am in edit or update mode,,,heres is my code,,need help,,thnks in advance
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:sme_trackerConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT SME_Master.SME_Id, SME_Master.FirstName, SME_Master.LastName, SME_Master.Agency_id, SME_Master.Email, SME_Master.Address, SME_Master.Phone, SME_Master.Mobile, SME_Master.Fax, SME_Master.TimeZone_Id, SME_Master.Experience, SME_Master.City, SME_Master.State, SME_Master.Status, SME_Master.Level_Of_Exam, SME_Master.Other_Comments, SME_Master.Certificate, SME_Master.Expertise, Agency_Master.Agency_Name, SME_Master.Type_of_SME FROM SME_Master LEFT OUTER JOIN Agency_Master ON SME_Master.Agency_id = Agency_Master.Agency_Id"
OnSelected="SqlDataSource1_Selected" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [SME_Master] ([SME_Id], [FirstName], [LastName], [Type_of_SME], [Agency_id], [Email], [Address], [Phone], [Mobile], [Fax], [TimeZone_Id], [Experience], [City], [State], [Status], [Level_Of_Exam], [Other_Comments], [Certificate], [Expertise]) VALUES (@SME_Id, @FirstName, @LastName, @Type_of_SME, @Agency_id, @Email, @Address, @Phone, @Mobile, @Fax, @TimeZone_Id, @Experience, @City, @State, @Status, @Level_Of_Exam, @Other_Comments, @Certificate, @Expertise)" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE SME_Master SET FirstName = @FirstName, LastName = @LastName, Type_of_SME = @Type_of_SME, Email = @Email, Address = @Address, Phone = @Phone, Mobile = @Mobile, Fax = @Fax, Experience = @Experience, City = @City, State = @State, Agency_Master.Agency_Name = @Agency_Name FROM SME_Master INNER JOIN Agency_Master ON SME_Master.Agency_id = Agency_Master.Agency_Id WHERE (SME_Master.SME_Id = @original_SME_Id)"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM SME_Master where SME_Id=@original_SME_Id"