I have a very weired problem (which is not easy to describe.. but I'll do my best):
I have a html page with several forms , only one of the got the action="ComputeAndReturn" and the other forms got only name="" tag...
the problem is that after i submit the form with the action , and than after a computatioon it returns to the original page, now... if i will submit any of the forms without the action=...
they will act as if they were defined action="ComputeAndReturn" (altho they are not!)
Now... if they were defined from the first time with action="anything", and than i would submit the form with action="ComputeAndReturn" this problem would not appear (the other forms will keep their action="anything" and would not "imitate" the action="ComputeAndReturn" to them selfs...
any ideas how can i keep my forms without action="" , cause all i need them to do is be submitted to pass the submitted value to other form inside that page....
it looks something like this...
function go()
function gogo()
function gogogo()
<form name="one" >
<select name="oneone" id="oneone" onchange="go()">
<form name="two" >
<select name="twotwo" id="twotwo" onchange="gogo()">
<form name="three" >
<select name="threethree" id="threethree" onchange="gogogo()">
<form name="four" action="ComputeAndReturn" >
<input type="submit" value="Add" name="Add" />
thanks ahead...