hi all,

m facing some problem when m trying to use calendar in my jsp with spring:bind tags.

like below:::

<input name="popca1" type="button" tabindex="4" value="..." class="dateButton"

& 1 hidden variable :: <input name="dc1" type="hidden" value="06/08/2001"> with this in html tag after body tag i include :::

<iframe width=174 height=189 name="gToday:normal" id="gToday:normal"
src="Calendarfiles/ipopeng.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
style="visibility:visible; z-index:999; position:absolute; left:-500px; top:0px;">
<LAYER name="gToday:normal" src="Calendarfiles/npopeng.htm"></LAYER> </iframe>

but still m facing problem to open tha calendar in pop up.

what should i do to solve this problem???

I hope you know diference between Java Server Pages and JavaScript. Secondly your post says

i had downloaded the coding and modified the same for my purpose

where on your site you claim

ECN has developed a simple Javascript Popup Calendar Control


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