Hi all, I saw your guys site while browsing forums for help and you guys seem most knowledgeable.

Here is my problem, I just uploaded some script to a site of mine, and now I'm getting this error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting '{' in /home/mickeylo/public_html/index.php on line 18

looking on line 18 I'm not sure if that means I need to add an {, but I am not sure where, can anyone please help me? I'm new at this, thanks so much!

/* (C) ABK-Soft Ltd., 2004-2006
IMPORTANT: This is a commercial software product
and any kind of using it must agree to the ABK-Soft
Ltd. license agreement.
It can be found at http://abk-soft.com/license.doc
This notice may not be removed from the source code. */

if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/!install')) {
	echo 'Please delete the "./!install" folder for security reasons.';

#$area = "public";
if ($g_user['user_id'] > 0 and !isset($gc) and get_param("cmd", "") != "logout") redirect('home.php');

class CIndex extends CHeader   18
	function action()
		if ((int) get_param("p", "") != 0)
			set_session("partner", (int) get_param("p", ""));

		if (get_param("cmd", "") == "logout")
			set_session("user_id", "");
			set_session("user_id_verify", "");
			set_cookie("c_user", "", -1);
			set_cookie("c_password", "", -1);
	function parseBlock(&$html)
		global $g;
		global $l;
		global $g_info;
		global $g_user;

		$html->setvar('user', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags((get_param("user")))));
		$html->setvar('password', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags((get_param("password")))));
		if ($g['options']['main_users'] == "Y" and $html->blockexists("users"))
			$i = 0;
				SELECT u.user_id, u.name, u.orientation, u.gender, YEAR(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS('" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')-TO_DAYS(birth))) AS age
				FROM user AS u
				WHERE u.is_photo='Y' AND u.hide_time=0
				ORDER BY u.rating DESC
				LIMIT " . $g['options']['main_users_number'] . "
			while ($row = DB::fetch_row())
				if ($i == 4) $html->parse("newline", false);
				else $html->setblockvar("newline", "");

				if (!isset($row['photo_id'])) $row['photo_id'] = DB::result("SELECT photo_id FROM photo WHERE user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . " " . $g['sql']['photo_vis'] . "  LIMIT 1", 0, 2);
				if ($row['photo_id'] != "" and file_exists($g['path']['dir_files'] . "photo/" . $row['user_id'] . "_" . $row['photo_id'] . "_s.jpg")) $row['photo'] = "photo/" . $row['user_id'] . "_" . $row['photo_id'] . "_" . $g['options']['main_users_photo_size'] . ".jpg";
				else $row['photo'] = "nophoto_" . $row['gender'] . "_" . $g['options']['main_users_photo_size'] . ".jpg";

				foreach ($row as $k => $v) $html->setvar($k, $v);
				$html->parse("user", true);
			$html->parse("users", true);

		if ($g['options']['main_search'] == "Y" and $html->blockexists("search"))
			$html->setvar("p_age_from_options", n_options($g['options']['users_age'], $g['options']['users_age_max'], get_param("p_age_from", $g['options']['users_age'])));
			$html->setvar("p_age_to_options", n_options($g['options']['users_age'], $g['options']['users_age_max'], get_param("p_age_to", $g['options']['users_age_max'])));
			$html->setvar("orientation_options", DB::db_options("SELECT search AS id, title FROM const_orientation ORDER BY const_orientation.id", 'first'));
			$html->parse("search", true);

		if ($g['options']['videogallery'] == "Y" and $html->blockexists("videos"))
			DB::query("SELECT * FROM videogallery_video WHERE featured='YES' AND status = 'ACTIVE' AND brodcast='PUBLIC' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4");
			while ($row = DB::fetch_row())
				foreach ($row as $k => $v) $html->setvar("video_" . $k, $v);
				$html->setvar("video_video_image", str_replace(".", "_m.", $row['video_image']));
				$video_name = DB::query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . "", 2);
				if (strlen($video_name) < 3) $video_name = "";
				$html->setvar("video_name", $video_name);
				$html->parse("video_item", true);
			$html->setvar("total_videos", DB::result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videogallery_video"));
			$html->parse("videos", true);

		if ($g['options']['videogallery'] == "Y" and $html->blockexists("video2"))
			DB::query("SELECT * FROM videogallery_video WHERE id=" . $g['main_page']['big_video'] . "");
			while ($row = DB::fetch_row())
				foreach ($row as $k => $v) $html->setvar("video2_" . $k, $v);
				$html->setvar("video2_video_image", str_replace(".", "_b.", $row['video_image']));
				$video_name = DB::query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . "", 2);
				if (strlen($video_name) < 3) $video_name = $l['all']['blank'];
				$html->setvar("video2_name", $video_name);
			$html->parse("video2", true);

		if ($g['options']['blogs'] == "Y" and $html->blockexists("blogs"))
			DB::query("SELECT id, subject, msg FROM blog_msg WHERE id IN (" . $g['main_page']['blog1'] . ", " . $g['main_page']['blog2'] . ") ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2");
			while ($row = DB::fetch_row())
				$html->setvar("blog_id", $row['id']);
				$html->setvar("blog_title", strip_tags($row['subject']));
				$html->setvar("blog_msg", strip_tags(strlen($row['msg']) > 250 ? substr($row['msg'], 0, 255) . "..." : $row['msg']));
				#$blog_name = DB::query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . "", 2);
				#if (strlen($blog_name) < 3) $blog_name = $l['all']['blank'];
				#$html->setvar("blog_name", $blog_name);
				if (file_exists($g['path']['dir_main'] . "_files/blog/" . $row['id'] . ".jpg")) $html->parse("blog_image", false);
				else $html->setblockvar("blog_image", "");
				$html->parse("blog_item", true);
			$html->parse("blogs", true);

		if ($html->blockexists("ad1") and $html->blockexists("ad2"))
			$j = 1;
			for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
				DB::query("SELECT id, subject, user_id, created, '" . to_sql($g['main_page']['ad' . $i . 't'], 'Plain') . "' AS tablename FROM adv_" . to_sql($g['main_page']['ad' . $i . 't'], 'Plain') . " WHERE id=" . to_sql($g['main_page']['ad' . $i . '']) . "");
				if ($row = DB::fetch_row()) {
					$r[$j] = $row;
					$r[$j]['username'] = DB::result("SELECT name FROM user WHERE user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . "", 0, 4);
			for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
				if (isset($r[$i])) {
					$html->setvar("ad_id", $r[$i]['id']);
					$html->setvar("username", $r[$i]['username']);
					$html->setvar("tablename", $r[$i]['tablename']);
					$html->setvar("subject", $r[$i]['subject']);
					$html->parse("ad1", true);
			for ($i = 3; $i <= 4; $i++) {
				if (isset($r[$i])) {
					$html->setvar("ad_id", $r[$i]['id']);
					$html->setvar("username", $r[$i]['username']);
					$html->setvar("tablename", $r[$i]['tablename']);
					$html->setvar("subject", $r[$i]['subject']);
					$html->parse("ad2", true);

		foreach ($g_info as $k => $v) $html->setvar($k, $v);

		$html->setvar("login_message", $this->message);

class CJoinForm extends CHtmlBlock
	var $login = "";
	function parseBlock(&$html)
		global $g;
		global $l;
		$m = array(
			1 => isset($l['all']['january']) ? $l['all']['january'] : 'January',
			2 => isset($l['all']['february']) ? $l['all']['february'] : 'February',
			3 => isset($l['all']['march']) ? $l['all']['march'] : 'March',
			4 => isset($l['all']['april']) ? $l['all']['april'] : 'April',
			5 => isset($l['all']['may']) ? $l['all']['may'] : 'May',
			6 => isset($l['all']['june']) ? $l['all']['june'] : 'June',
			7 => isset($l['all']['july']) ? $l['all']['july'] : 'July',
			8 => isset($l['all']['august']) ? $l['all']['august'] : 'August',
			9 => isset($l['all']['september']) ? $l['all']['september'] : 'September',
			10 => isset($l['all']['october']) ? $l['all']['october'] : 'October',
			11 => isset($l['all']['november']) ? $l['all']['november'] : 'November',
			12 => isset($l['all']['december']) ? $l['all']['december'] : 'December',

		$html->setvar("month_options", h_options($m, get_param("month", "")));
		$html->setvar("day_options", n_options(1, 31, get_param("day", "")));
		$html->setvar("year_options", n_options(date("Y") - $g['options']['users_age_max'], date("Y") - $g['options']['users_age'] + 1, get_param("year", "")));

		$html->setvar("country_options", DB::db_options("SELECT country_id, country_title FROM geo_country WHERE country_id in (1,2,3)" , 1) . DB::db_options("SELECT country_id, country_title FROM geo_country ORDER BY country_title" , ""));
		$html->setvar("orientation_options", DB::db_options("SELECT id, title FROM const_orientation ORDER BY const_orientation.id", 'first'));

$page = new CIndex("", $g['tmpl']['dir_tmpl_main'] . "index.html");
$header = new CHeader("header", $g['tmpl']['dir_tmpl_main'] . "_header.html");
$footer = new CFooter("footer", $g['tmpl']['dir_tmpl_main'] . "_footer.html");

$register = new CJoinForm("join", null);



is the number 18 really in that line:

class CIndex extends CHeader   18

you have to remove that 18 if it is in there.
Or you just write it there for us to see where line 18 is?

Yes the 18 is there, I thought that was odd, I did remove it and NOW I get this error:

Warning: include(./_include/core/main_start.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mickeylo/public_html/index.php on line 15

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './_include/core/main_start.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mickeylo/public_html/index.php on line 15

Fatal error: Class 'CHeader' not found in /home/mickeylo/public_html/index.php on line 18

make sure the main_start.php is in the right folder.

the warning means that they cannot find main_start.php.try to look at that location if it exists if not then put main_start.php in there then run it again.

okay I fixed it, now I get this

"Site error: the file /home/mickeylo/public_html/_include/core/main_start.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator."

I did find the file and downloaded it, but what do I do now? Just put it in the same folder?

Thanks for the help btw.

.so files are installers in Linux.You have to contact your site administrator to install that ionCube for you because you cannot install that by yourself.(Unless your the site administrator yourself!)

okay thank I'm calling them right now. :D

I hope it works!

ug the people at bluehost are making it WORSE! They told me what to do, I did it, and I'm on the phone with them and now i get this:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@mickeyloyals.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

So they just told me send a ticket in and get the support on it- and i'm like dude you guys ARE the support people!

Anyone can help me i'd really appreciate it, I downloaded the file I need, is there anyway to pop it in my files on the site as it is my site and I can log into it and see everything. Thanks so much for any help.

okay well I reversed what they told me to do and now I'm back to the same error, anyone know how I can just install it myself, I downloaded the file off the internet, the ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so, anyway I can just pop it in and pray it works?

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