I'm new to Javascript but not new to programming.

I find JS more time consuming because I have to manually search line by line for a single error. In C++ or C the compiler tells me the exact line number of the error or at least what the error is so I can research it.

With JS, notepad or Firefox's source viewer doesn't indicate anything. Is there any software available that will error check JS codes?

You may get some hints of errors if you try to see the page in IE, but in general there are not many well know profesional tools. Here is some google search if that helps

Without rival the most useful javascript debugger/general web development tool is FireBug in combination with Web Developer Toolbar.

Firebug has a very powerful debugger complete with conditional breakpoints and source tracing.

Web Developer Toolbar has a veritable cornucopia of handy tools for web developers.

firefox 2's error console works quite nicely. it will tell you a syntax error is on line 1 every now again, forcing you to search.

i would have to agree with ShawnCplus however on the whole deal. but for quick check, the built in fire fox error checker helps.

Without rival the most useful javascript debugger/general web development tool is FireBug in combination with Web Developer Toolbar.

Firebug has a very powerful debugger complete with conditional breakpoints and source tracing.

Web Developer Toolbar has a veritable cornucopia of handy tools for web developers.

Firebug wins hands down!

I have firebug and the web dev toolbar. A very useful combination!

I'm new to Javascript but not new to programming.

I find JS more time consuming because I have to manually search line by line for a single error. In C++ or C the compiler tells me the exact line number of the error or at least what the error is so I can research it.

With JS, notepad or Firefox's source viewer doesn't indicate anything. Is there any software available that will error check JS codes?

I have been using Antechinus javascript editor for a while now. I helps me locate errors in my code before I post them. Its not free but is very inexpensive. Its a windows exe but can also run on linux using the current version of wine....

Hope this helps

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