I have a form and upload script so people can upload games to my website. The form code:
echo "<form action=newgame.php enctype=multipart/form-data><table border=0 method=post bgcolor=1a1a1a><tr><td width=70%>
game title</td>
<td><input type=text name=title maxlength=48></input></td>
<tr><td>summary</td><td><textarea name=summary rows=5 cols=30></textarea></tr>
<select name=genre>
<option value=action>action</option>
<option value=adventure>adventure</option>
<option value=arcade>arcade</option>
<option value=other>other</option>
<option value=puzzle>puzzle</option>
<option value=RPG>role-playing</option>
<option value=sports>sports</option>
<option value=strategy>strategy</option>
<option value=widget>widget</option></td></tr>
<tr><td>price (coming soon)</td><td>
<input type=file name=screen></input></td></tr>
<input type=file name=game></input></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type=submit name=submit value=add></input>";
And here's the upload part...
include "header.html";
include "db.php";
if(!isset($_SESSION[user])){include "loginform.html"; echo "you must be logged in to view this page<br><br>if you have an account, log in above<br><br>if not, <a href=accountcreate.php>create an account</a>"; exit(); }
echo "<sup><div align=right>you're logged in as $_SESSION[user] | <a href=logout.php>log out</a></sup></div>";
$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM games ORDER BY id DESC");
print_r($_FILES); //for debugging
//basic filter
if(empty($screenname)){echo "no file name was indicated. hit back and try again"; exit();}
if($screensize>3000000){echo "your file is too big. hit back and try again"; exit();}
if($screentype == "image/gif" || $screentype =="image/jpg" || $screentype =="image/png" || $screentype =="image/jpeg" || $screentype =="image/bmp"){
$location="screens/" . $id;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['screen']['tmp_name'], $location);
if(empty($gamename)){echo "no file name was indicated. hit back and try again"; exit();}
if($gamesize>26214400){echo "your file is too big. hit back and try again"; exit();}
$location="games/" . $id;
echo $location;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['game']['tmp_name'], $location);
$sql=mysql_query("INSERT INTO games(name, summary, price, genre, user, rating) VALUES ('$name','$summary','0','$genre','$_SESSION[user]','0')");
echo "your game has been created.<br><img src=screens/". $id ."><br><br>";
The screenshot uploading works fine, as expected, but the game file doesn't work. Only the name is recorded, but the filetype and size are left blank.