Does anyone know of a good slideshow component or snippet for cf? basically i would just like to rotate a few thumbnail size images in a featured area of my website. thanks.

Download the, unzip, and put the gallery_viewer.cfm file into any folder with .jpg images. Upload the file and browse to the page to view your slideshow gallery.

<!---gallery Viewer 2.1.1 Source Code--->

<!--- param the image to show --->
<cfparam name="url.image" default="1">

<!--- directory --->
<cfset dir = expandPath(".")>

<!--- get all images --->
<cfdirectory directory="#dir#" filter="*.jpg" name="images" sort="name">

<!--- quick sanity checks --->
<cfif not isNumeric(url.image) or url.image lte 0 or url.image gt images.recordcount or round(url.image) neq url.image>
<cfset url.image = 1>

<!---JSD - dynamically retrieve the image name into the page title, SEO --->

<!--- do we even have images? --->
<cfif images.recordCount>
<table align="center">
<tr><!---JSD - dynamically retrieve the image name into the page text, SEO --->
<td colspan="2"><cfoutput>[url.image]#</cfoutput></td>
<td><cfif url.image gt 1>
<!--- JSD - Set the Delimeter path to "\/" for windows and linux--->
<a href="#listLast(getCurrentTemplatePath(),"\/")#?image=#url.image-1#">Previous</a>
<td><cfif url.image lt images.recordCount>
<a href="#listLast(getCurrentTemplatePath(),"\/")#?image=#url.image+1#">Next</a>
<td colspan="2"><img src="[url.image]#"></td>
<!--- links --->
<cfif url.image gt 1>
<a href="#listLast(getCurrentTemplatePath(),"\/")#?image=#url.image-1#">Previous</a>
</cfif> </td>
<td align="right">
<cfif url.image lt images.recordCount>
<a href="#listLast(getCurrentTemplatePath(),"\/")#?image=#url.image+1#">Next</a>
</cfif> </td>


thanks. i will try that. an add on question before i explore this; i am going to use this to show like 5 different movie posters, 5 different music posters, etc for about 7 subjects or so to show a featured type gallery. would i put the 5 thumbs in an indiv folder for each subject then put the .cfm file in the each folder and then reference from there?

thanks again.

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