I m currently working in VB.NET with asp.net
I have the following string:
I need to find whether the above word contains any word say "#"
How to get it?
i need to capture "#" to do if else statement
I could not find a method in VB.net that can provide me the result.


so like:

if SBIG.contains("#") then

label1.text = "Hello World"

end if

commented: Useful snippet of information :) +1

mhmm, this may come in useful personally to actually, especially checking for the @ symbol in an email address, although there's probably better ways to do it :)

Thanks, can you mark as solved and give me some reputation points?

hehe, I'll give you rep seeing as I keep on forgetting to do that to people but I didn't start the thread so we'll have to wait and see what the original poster says ;)

Thanks, can you mark as solved and give me some reputation points?

Begging for reputation, where this community going???

oh, man, it's not where it's going, it's where it has gone...

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