I have a data layer class built with the dataset designer that I have added as a reference (compiled dll) in a project. When I run the app locally from Visual Studio, it runs just fine. However when I move it to the hosted server, I get "Type 'H2C2DataLayer.h2c2DataSet.topicsDataTable' is not defined."
Here's some code:
Dim adp_hotTopic As H2C2DataLayer.h2c2DataSet.topicsDataTable = GetTopics()
rptNav.DataSource = adp_hotTopic
Catch ex As Exception
lblDiagnostics.Text = ex.Message & "<br />" & ex.StackTrace
End Try
For some reason, it errors out on line 2, even though it's inside a try/catch. Can't figure that one out either. The exception should be caught and dumped to the diagnostics label.
Here's some code from the class:
Public Class Data
Public Shared Function GetTopics() As h2c2DataSet.topicsDataTable
Dim dt As New h2c2DataSet.topicsDataTable
Dim taTopics As New h2c2DataSetTableAdapters.topicsTableAdapter
dt = taTopics.GetData()
Return dt
End Function
End Class
There's obviously more to the class, but it doesn't matter because whatever function I call, I get the same error.