
I'm new in coding in php
I want to transfer a webpage (news5.html) to another webpage (in a table).
(Like it is done on the news websites "www.domain.com/index?ID=4343"
How can I do it?

I read about passing variables through url, but if it is how it should be done how do I include a link in the variable?

Please help me

I am not sure exactly what it is your trying to do.. If you are looking to get the info from the link you would use $_GET to retrieve the 4343 from the url.. if you are looking to display the content of news5.html page within the table you have created on another page then you might use include('news5.html').

Do you mean like screenscraping?

Yes I want to display the content of news5.html page within the table I have created on another page...

I tried this so far...but it doesnt work

  echo "<a href='1.php?ID=2442'>";
  echo "click";

and in the other file:

  if $_GET['ID'] == 2442 echo file_get_contents("news5.html");

any suggestion?

It's far from esthetic

isnt it possible with php ?

maybe.. <a href="mypage.php?id=2442" target="_self">Click</a> on the page

$page = $_GET['id'];

if($page = 2442) {
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