wen i write the following codes in a jsp file it is not working prperly
the code is
code="fphover.class" codebase="./"
width="120" height="24">
<jsp:param name="textcolor" value="#FFFFFF">
<jsp:param name="text" value="page name">
<jsp:param name="color" value="#808000">
<jsp:param name="hovercolor" value="#FFFFFF">
<jsp:param name="effect" value="glow">
<jsp:param name="url" valuetype="ref" value="p1.jsp">
When deployed in java web servr , it gives the eror message as follows
"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /sample.jsp(20,48) The <jsp:param tag can only have jsp:attribute in its body."
Please explain wat the mistake was, and how to rectify it.
With Thanks....