how to get names in alphabetical order from the data base in the form of dropdown list when user enters alphabet in the text box... i think this is possible using AJAX programming,
if any body konws pls guide me

Good but i can't use.....

You would want to use the order by clause in your sql select statement. For instance:

select first_name, last_name 
   from names 
   order by last_name asc;

I'm not sure if this is what you want, but it sounds like it.
I just wrote it yesterday.
nzlocations.sql has a whole bunch of New Zealand Cities in it, helpful data to see the drop down working.
You need php to use this code.
You will need to configure the database connection section of ajax.php.
Once done open the file dropdown.php in browser.
This is rough and insecure (ajax.php) but is only written as an example.

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