Hi There
I have a very simple web gallery in php and mysql. I have noticed upon creating it, that I have several fields in my database contacting the same information (to a certain extent) and I wondered whether this would eventually put a strain on my server. Would it be possible to marry two or more of the columns together in the php coding to produce the same result?
It also seems daft spending time putting the same info into the database over and over again.
My database currently looks like this: http://www.equinefocus.co.uk/sampledatabase.jpg - however, this has not yet had the main image url included, which would look like the thumb field, but without the /thumbs/ directory included.
For example:
Each photo has a reference number, which consists of:
COLOR="red"]date and an image number
i.e. 2008-04-13-001
Each thumbnail consists of:
directory path + date + /thumbs/ + image number + file extension
i.e. /photos/eventing/2007-09-01/thumbs/001 .jpg
For the thumbnail, would it be possible to pull the directory path, date, image number from the database, have the file extension and /thumb/ section in the php code, and have all elements join together to form the link to the image? It would mean that some of the content is being used more than once (date appears in the url to the image and the reference number displayed underneath).
My current code to produce the image is:
// Connects to your Database
mysql_connect("*****", "*****", "*****") or die(mysql_error());
or die ("Unable to connect to MySQL");
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `others` WHERE date = '2008-04-27' AND ref ='2008-04-27-001'")
or die ("No data available, please contact the site admin describing where you found this error message.");
<table cellpadding="2" width="65%">
while($info = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
<tr><td> <img src="<?php echo $info['full'];?>" border="0"</a></td></tr>
<tr><td> <span class="refno">Photo Reference: <?php echo $info['ref']; ?></span></td></tr>
<tr><td> <?php echo $info['info']; ?></td></tr>
Bit complex, sorry! Any assistance would be appreciated.