Hi guys,

It seems that frames were gotten rid of in ASP.NET, so if I want to open a page and have it target a frame like area on my page that is already open, how can I do that?

Any suggestions would be great!

you can still use frames, especially the iframes, asp.net does not prevent you from adding any html tags into your webpages.

Hi, thank you for your reply.

I thought this was true also, but for some reason whenever I try to use <frameset> or <frame> it tells me that they are not supported.

Am I missing an assembly or something?

Any thoughts would be great, and thank you again!

frameset and frame tags are now obsolete, try using iframe tag instead. this way the child document behaves like it is a part of the parent document whereas in frameset manner you have totally seperated documents. You have much more control over the child documents when you use iframes (=inline frames) which is the replacement for the framesets.

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