hey guys.

this may be very trivial, but i cant figure out a way...

i want to retrieve the data entered by the user through a drop-down-menu using POST method.

I am unable to do so...

kindly suggest

P.S. I am how to retrieve text-field data from a form, but not drop-menus....


Just like how you do it for text fields. $value = $_POST['dropdownboxname'];


<form action="process.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" target="_self" id="form1">

<select name="ProductName">
            <option>Please, select</option>
            <option value="Cooling System">Cooling System</option>
            <option value="Desktop PC">Desktop PC</option>
            <option value="DVD Player">DVD Player</option>
            <option value="Laptop">Laptop</option>
            <option value="Media Player">Media Player</option>
            <option value="Monitor">Monitor</option></select>

Then, create a file called process.php to process the form.

You can get the value of a combo box using the statement

for example
if you have a combo box like this
<td><select name="combo" id="combo">
<option value="1">Anu</option>
<option value="2">Ajay</option>
<option value="3">Midhun</option>

Now you can get the value of the selected item using the statement..

echo "value= ".$value;
If you select the name 'Ajay' in combo then it will display

If you want to get the name 'Ajay' as the value..then you have to give the name itself in the value field. for example
<td><select name="combo" id="combo">
<option value="Anu" selected>Anu</option>
<option value="Ajay">Ajay</option>
<option value="Midhun">Midhun</option>

echo "value= ".$value;
now If you select the name 'Ajay' in combo then it will display

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